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Social Media Training Public Records, Privacy and Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Training Public Records, Privacy and Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Training Public Records, Privacy and Accountability.

2 Social Media in the Public Sector Need to be aware of Information and Records Management Policies. Need to be aware of the Freedom of Information Act Content and postings for public sector organisations will be subject to the FOIA. Use prominently displayed disclaimers to inform users of this fact

3 Facebook Disclaimer

4 Blog Disclaimer

5 Flickr Disclaimer

6 Twitter Disclaimer

7 Privacy and Posting Social media accounts created and used by or on behalf of public sector organisations should set all privacy settings to public. In general, comments should not be deleted although exceptions can be made for profane or obscene comments Configure settings in the profile to allow open access. Public sector organisation account holders should set all privacy settings to public and not disable any public comment function

8 Guidelines Blogging sites in particular allow the account holder to manage the interaction on the site. For instance, whether users will be allowed to comment, whether the comments will be moderated, whether the user must be registered to comment, etc. In general, comments should not be moderated because all points of view should be heard. The exception is that all profane or obscene comments should be removed. However, to limit spam comments it is perfectly acceptable to require some type of word verification as part of the commenting process if the software allows it. The following slides offer some suggestions on managing privacy settings













21 All blogging tools allow you to link audio and video files already posted to the web. Some let you embed multimedia files in a post so that users can view or listen without leaving your website Embedding is usually done by using code provided by a third party tool (such as YouTube), so to do this you need to be sure your tools allows you to include JavaScript or other scripting software in posts.




25 Acknowledgements North Carolina State Government

26 Questions?

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