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ERASMUS MUNDUS. GENESIS 3Article 149: Enhance quality education 3Lisbon, Bologna/Prague, G8... 3Communication on reinforcing co-operation with third countries.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS MUNDUS. GENESIS 3Article 149: Enhance quality education 3Lisbon, Bologna/Prague, G8... 3Communication on reinforcing co-operation with third countries."— Presentation transcript:


2 GENESIS 3Article 149: Enhance quality education 3Lisbon, Bologna/Prague, G8... 3Communication on reinforcing co-operation with third countries 3Intercultural dialogue: new political priority

3 ERASMUS MUNDUS MAIN CHALLENGES 3Prepare citizens for global society 3Ensure world-wide recognition of European universities as centre of excellence 3Remain at leading edge of developments 3Contribute to cultural understanding

4 ERASMUS MUNDUS OVERALL AIM 3Improve quality of higher education in Europe 3Promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries

5 ERASMUS MUNDUS SPECIFIC AIMS 3Promote quality offer in higher education 3Encourage incoming mobility of third- country graduate students and scholars 3Structured co-operation 3Improve profile, visibility and accessibility of higher education in Europe

6 ERASMUS MUNDUS PARTICIPATING and THIRD COUNTRIES 3EU Member States (25) 3EU candidate countries 3EFTA/EEA countries 3Third countries

7 ERASMUS MUNDUS PARTICIPANTS 3Higher Education institutions 3Graduate students 3Scholars 3Higher Education staff 3Public and private bodies active in HE (only Action 4)

8 ERASMUS MUNDUS ACTION 1: Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses 3High quality Masters Course (1 to 2 years) 3At least 3 HE institutions from 3 different Member States 3Study in at least 2 HE institutions 3Full recognition of studies 3Joint/double/multiple diplomas delivered 3Use of at least 2 languages (not necessarily 2 languages of instruction)

9 ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2: Scholarships Linked to Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Grants for incoming third-country graduate students of high academic quality to follow the Masters Course (for definition of student see art. 2 of Decision) Grants for incoming third-country scholars of high academic quality to carry out teaching or research assignments for the Masters Course (for definition of scholar see art. 2 of Decision) 10 to 30 third-country students per Masters Course and year 3 to 5 third-country scholars per Masters Course and year

10 ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2: Scholarships Erasmus Mundus consortia and Commission publicise selected Masters Courses world-wide Students and scholars apply directly to consortia Consortia select students and scholars and propose a list of grantees, including a reserve list, to the Commission Consortia ensure a geographical balance:  No more than 25% of third-country students from the same country  No more than 10% of third-country students from the same institution  Each third-country scholar from a different country

11 ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2: Scholarships Funding:  Student mobility: 21,000 € per student for a one-year course (10 study months x 1,600 € plus a fixed amount of 5,000 € for travel expenses, tuition fees etc.) or 42,000 € per student for a two-year course  Scholar mobility: 13,000 € per scholar (3 months x 4,000 € plus a fixed amount of 1,000 € for travel expenses)  Grants are paid to grantees by consortia

12 ERASMUS MUNDUS ACTION 3: Partnerships 3Cooperation between Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses and third-country HE institutions 3Grants for outgoing EU student & staff mobility

13 ERASMUS MUNDUS ACTION 4: Enhancing Attractiveness 3Joint promotion of European higher education (seminars, conferences, publications, etc.) 3Tackling of quality, recognition and mobility issues 3Pilot projects with third countries 3Alumni association

14 ERASMUS MUNDUS OVERALL FUNDING 3230 M€ 2004-2008 3Modest start (8 M€), steep annual increase 3Cruise speed by 2008 at 92 M€

15 ERASMUS MUNDUS SPECIFIC FUNDING 315,000 € per year for Masters Courses (Action 1) 31,600 € per month for third-country students plus amount for travel expenses and fees (Action 2) 34,000 € per month for third-country scholars plus amount for travel expenses (Action 2)

16 ERASMUS MUNDUS SPECIFIC FUNDING 35,000 € per year for each participating third- country institution (Action 3) 3700 € per month for EU students plus amount for travel expenses (Action 3) 34,000 € per month for EU staff plus amount for travel expenses (Action 3)

17 ERASMUS MUNDUS MAIN OUTPUTS 2004-2008 390 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses 35,000 grants for incoming third-country students 31,100 grants for incoming third-country scholars 3100 Partnership projects 34,400 grants for outgoing EU students 3900 grants for outgoing EU staff 3355 promotion projects

18 ERASMUS MUNDUS Further Information programmes/mundus/index_en.html

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