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1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Hypernuclear Spectroscopy Joerg Reinhold Florida International University for the Jefferson Lab Collaborations.

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Presentation on theme: "1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Hypernuclear Spectroscopy Joerg Reinhold Florida International University for the Jefferson Lab Collaborations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Hypernuclear Spectroscopy Joerg Reinhold Florida International University for the Jefferson Lab Collaborations E97- 104, E01-011, E05-115

2 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Aspects of Hypernuclear Physics Free from Pauli blocking Deeply bound states ~100keV intrinsic width  mixing (CSB, 3BF) Baryon structure in the nuclear medium Central and spin dependent  N intercations Unified view of baryon-baryon interactions in SU(3) Astrophysical aspects: hyperon matter, strange neutron stars, …

3 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU)  Hypernuclear Spectroscopy

4 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU)  Hypernuclear Chart

5 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU)  spectroscopy (KEK)

6 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) JLab Hall A (E94-107) KEK Jlab:  E~650 keV Core excited states 12C strength well reproduced 16O strength off by factor of 2 Theoretical interpretation and publication in progress.

7 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Jlab Hall C (HKS) Also 7Li, 12C targets (51V & 89Y for rate studies) KEK

8 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Heavy  -Hypernuclei in the reaction KEK E140a: T. Hasegawa, et al., PRC53(1996)1210.  E~0.5 MeV; FWHM ~ 2.2 MeV Single particle motion over the full spectral range -> describe with mean field dynamics

9 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Sensitivity to coupling constants T. Hasegawa, et al., PRC53(1996) Hotchi, et al., PRC64(2001) 2.2 MeV FWHM  E=1.65 MeV FWHM Substantial SU(3) symmetry breaking DDRH: H.Lenske et al. Link free to in-medium coupling constants Free  N, hypernuclear, nuclear matter in the same framework

10 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) BHF approach for hypernuclear matter (Hans-Joseph Schulze INFN Catania) Absolute energy scale in (e,e’K):  E ~ 100 keV

11 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Past Successes Reaction spectroscopy ,K) reaction spectroscopy established(BNL&KEK);  single particle levels up to A=208; hits ceiling at  E~1.7 MeV. (e,e’K) established in 2000;  E<1MeV (HNSS) (e,e’K) refined; E94-107 (Hall A) & E01-011 (HKS);  E~650keV  spectroscopy hyperball at BNL & KEK Data on LS in 13C The incredible shrinking nucleus: BE(2) in 7  Li

12 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) Future Program Complementary efforts at JLab & JPARC Jlab: reaction spectr. Light mirror nuclei (CSB) Medium to heavy nuclei Thin targets (isotopic enriched) Neutron-rich E05-115 approved: A~50 (V, Cr) Substantial $ from Japan (Tohoku University): HKS spectrometer for 2005, HES in 2007 JLab proposal: angular distributions Substantial $ from Italy (septa, RICH) JPARC:  -spectrosc.( ) Light nuclei LS-splitting High precision Day-1 experiments E05 & E13 at JPARC hadron facility US collaborators: FIU, HU, … (no contributions yet; several < $100k items identified.) Other world wide efforts: FAIR GSI, FINUDA@DA  NE, MAMIC@Mainz All major $$$ equipment on hand or funded. Support needed for small components, equipment maintenance, and running & manpower.

13 1/12/2007DNP Town Meeting, Joerg Reinhold (FIU) JLab & JPARC Hypernuclear Community

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