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1 Update on progress to deliver the IY programmes as part of the Parenting Action Plan for Wales IY Annual Conference 2008 Metropole Llandrindod Professor.

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1 1 Update on progress to deliver the IY programmes as part of the Parenting Action Plan for Wales IY Annual Conference 2008 Metropole Llandrindod Professor Judy Hutchings, Bangor University and North West Wales NHS Trust Email: Websites: (research) (practice)

2 2 Wales has led the way through the Parenting Action Plan and by specifying the delivery of evidence based parenting programmes in Flying Start services. The IY programme has formed part of this strategy The IY teacher classroom management programme is now being added to the parent leader training Recent/current Government initiatives to support high risk children are now focusing on early, and evidence based, programmes for families and in schools.

3 3 The challenge is making programmes work in practice especially with high risk families Evidence based programmes only work well if delivered with “fidelity” - most programmes delivered in service settings are not faithful replications Do the programmes have the tools for replication? Are staff fully equipped with tools, materials, training and supervision?

4 4 The Incredible Years Parent Child and Teacher programmes Thirty years of research identified in every systematic review Long term follow-up Effective as clinical and preventive programmes A US Government model “Blueprint” programme for violence prevention. One of only 11 that met stringent criteria for evidence including training and tools for replication Identified by NICE as effective for the treatment of conduct disorder Replicated in Canada, Wales, England, Norway, Jamaica and being researched in Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal Equally effective with different cultural groupings, caucasian, african, asian and spanish americans

5 5 Teacher Programme 6 full day sessions held monthly Child Dinosaur treatment Programme: 6 children, 18 - 22 weekly sessions Child Dinosaur Classroom Programme: 2 year curriculum, 2 sessions per week, 30 weeks ADVANCED Parent Programme: 9 sessions helping adults communicate and problem solve The Incredible Years Programmes ***The School aged programme also has an additional four session unit on helping your child to do their best in school Fully revised School Aged BASIC Parent Programme: 12 - 14 sessions, 6 - 12 years*** Pre-School BASIC Parent Programme: 12 - 14 weekly sessions, 2 – 6 years School Readiness Programme: 4 pre-school sessions 2 – 4 years Infant (eight sessions) and toddler (12 sessions) programmes

6 6 How the IY programmes got established in Wales 1998 Parent leader training delivered in North Wales Parent programme was delivered in North Wales CAMHS 1999 Training in therapeutic and classroom Dino school 2000 Demonstration projects of all programmes in North Wales and ongoing training and consultation 2002 Research funding for the Sure Start study 11 Centres in North and Mid Wales 2003 IY Wales Centre opened by Jane Hutt 2004 PhD and other research funding acquired 2006/7 Parenting Action Plan funded leader training across Wales 2007 Looked after children project started with 3 LAs (WORD). 2007 Two mentors join JH in training activity 2008 WAG funded research and training funded for the Infant and Toddler programmes WAG funded training in TCM programme 2008 Wales has training for all programmes but more mentors needed across Wales

7 7 Welsh Assembly Government funding - Parenting Action Plan for Wales 2006 - 2009 Training and ongoing supervision for group leaders across Wales commenced April 2006 Other funding from WAG: 2006 Purchase of 22 basic parent pack for all Ays the translation of IY book into Welsh a contribution to 2007 and 2008 annual conferences and 2007 newsletter funding research into the effectiveness of the infant and toddler programmes in Flying Start areas Also: Foster carer research (WORD funded)

8 The Commitment required of CYPs to access training Organisation and provision of training venue and refreshments Agree to provide programme materials for trained staff Ensure staff have sufficient time to run the programme and access supervision Support staff in working for leader certification Participation in any evaluation Identify a lead person to take the work forward and work towards becoming a local programme mentor

9 The WAG IY plan - year one 2006/7 Training for staff from 15 Authorities across Wales Supervision - a total of 12 days Achieved: 160 staff trained on WAG funding, a further 143 funded (2006/7 or previously) by their own Authorities, supervision accessed by 100 people A survey of trained staff and service managers, funded by NWW NHS Research Grants Committee, completed Summer 2007

10 The WAG IY training plan for year two 2007/8 Basic leader training for the remaining 7 Authorities - 75 people trained Nineteen days of supervision scheduled, 13 delivered and 6 booked for February/March 2008. Supervision accessed by 131 people from across Wales so far this year

11 The WAG plan for 2008/9 10 days training each in North, Mid and South Wales Teacher Classroom Management programme leader training3 days School Aged Programme one day* 1 days Two day Infant & Toddler training* 2 days One day Advanced parent programme* 1 days One supervision day per term* 3 days Total 10 x 3 days = 30 days training * These days are for people who have completed the basic three day leader training

12 Findings from the Survey of staff trained in year one All leaders trained during 2006/7 and 15 service managers whose services received training were surveyed. 102 leaders (53%) and 14 service managers (93%) responded

13 Service manager responses All 14 service managers were positive about the benefits of the training for their staff 13 (93%) said that their service had delivered the programme All 14 (100%) said that the programme would be delivered during the coming year 12 (86%) also had previously trained staff 10 (71%) trained additional staff during the year 5 (36%) had evaluated the programme and received positive feedback from staff and parents 3 (21%) have identified a lead clinician/staff member to work for leader certification 12 (86%) report having plans in place to ensure that the programme is delivered well

14 Responses from trained staff Trained staff had a mean of 12 years practice experience prior to the training They had experience of 27 other parenting programmes (only one well evidence based) Staff came from a variety of agencies, health, education, social care, voluntary agencies, accessed training across CYP partnerships 88% reported the training as useful/very useful 93% found the content relevant to local service needs and useful in their one to one work with families and their own lives 59% felt the need for further supervision in order to run the programme 33% had run the programme since training and 67% had plans to run future groups

15 Responses from staff that had delivered the programme Services delivered were to mixed groups: universal preventive (62%) targeted preventive (71%) clinical (19%) and other (9%) 86% of groups accepted referred, high risk, parents 31% included self referred parents Mean age of children was 4.5, range 2 - 6.6 years, so focus was on early years Mean number of parents enrolled was 11 and mean completers 10 parents (an excellent outcome probably reflecting leader prior experience)

16 86% had accessed supervision and 45% were considering leader certification. Leaders used a wide range of strategies to encourage home activities, giving feedback on weekly homework (56%), raffles, praise and making weekly phone calls (71%). 29% did not have enough time to make weekly phone calls but recognised their value and planned to do them in their next groups Mean time allocated for preparation was 1/2 day per week, ranging from nothing to one day per week The main staff concern was some lack of organisational recognition of time & skills involved in delivering the programme effectively to high risk families

17 Overall conclusions The training was well received and staff had used it in one to one work There was good uptake and high planned uptake of delivery of the programme Staff and parents rated the programme well Some services had identified a lead staff member to support staff Service managers are developing plans to ensure high quality delivery of the programme Staff still feel the need for additional supervision and resources to support effective delivery of the programme

18 The scheme has met its objectives to date and represents a good investment for WAG in supporting the most vulnerable children in Wales. the addition of the teacher programme and the add on training for the extended range of parent programmes are exciting developments. We will continue to monitor and provide feedback on the progress of the scheme.

19 Current research in Wales How the inattentive children in the Sure Start sample fared What leader behaviours make a difference Infant/toddler programme research Foster carer research Teacher classroom management programme research

20 Funding currently being sought for: Long term follow-up of the Sure Start sample Delivery of the parent programme as a diy intervention Using the parent programme with nursery nurses Evaluation of the school aged programme for parents of 9 - 12 year old children

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