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1 United Nations Environment Programme Economics and Trade Branch Second Meeting for the Network of Institutions for Sustainable Development 19 September.

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Presentation on theme: "1 United Nations Environment Programme Economics and Trade Branch Second Meeting for the Network of Institutions for Sustainable Development 19 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 United Nations Environment Programme Economics and Trade Branch Second Meeting for the Network of Institutions for Sustainable Development 19 September 2005

2 2 Objectives of the Economics & Trade Programme Enhance countries’ capacities to adopt a balanced and integrated approach to economic, trade and environmental policies, and maximize the contribution of trade to reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development

3 3 Main Activities   Promote integrated policy design and implementation with emphasis on sound environmental management, sustainable trade and poverty reduction   Strengthen environmental management and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements through the use of economic instruments and subsidy reform   Promote mutually supportive trade and environment policy

4 4 Promote integrated policy design and implementation   Continue to promote analytic tools that strengthen integrated assessment and its effectiveness in influencing policy-making   Support countries in the formulation of poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs)   Support countries in the implementation of the findings and proposed policy packages resulting from the assessments

5 5 Promote integrated policy design and implementation   Initiate an intergovernmental process to develop an international framework for integrated assessment and planning   Mobilize international effort to promote the use of integrated environmental and economic accounting (IEEA) as a more accurate measure for economic development and sustainability   Develop partnerships with Trade Unions, major transnational corporations to promote the incorporation of environmental concerns in their operations - fisheries, agriculture

6 6 Strengthen environmental management and implementation of MEAs   Promoting the use of economic instruments for environmental policy   Promoting the use of economic instruments for MEA implementation   Promoting subsidy reform and sustainable resource management

7 7 Strengthen environmental management and implementation of MEAs   Initiate an international process to internalise environmental costs on a sectoral basis - fisheries, agriculture (cotton, rice, wheat), forestry (timber, biodiversity), energy and water   Initiate in close collaboration with MEAs an international process to encourage the use of economic instruments to achieve MEA objectives

8 8 Promoting mutually supportive trade and environment policies   Assessments of trade-related policies   Coherence between MEAs and the WTO   Environmental goods and services   Regional trade agreements   Sustainable agriculture – organic agriculture   Conservation of biodiversity

9 9 Promoting mutually supportive trade and environment policies   Advisory Group on Trade and Sustainable Development   Trade and Sustainable Development Forum

10 10 Forthcoming Events   Meetings this week: Network meeting International workshop on Rice Sector Review Meeting: Trade & Poverty projects Integrated Assessment Framework   Side Event in Hong Kong

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