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The Pencil Code -- a high order MPI code for MHD turbulence Anders Johansen (Sterrewacht Leiden)‏ Axel Brandenburg (NORDITA, Stockholm)‏ Wolfgang Dobler.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pencil Code -- a high order MPI code for MHD turbulence Anders Johansen (Sterrewacht Leiden)‏ Axel Brandenburg (NORDITA, Stockholm)‏ Wolfgang Dobler."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pencil Code -- a high order MPI code for MHD turbulence Anders Johansen (Sterrewacht Leiden)‏ Axel Brandenburg (NORDITA, Stockholm)‏ Wolfgang Dobler Tobias Heinemann (DAMTP)‏ Tony Mee (Newcastle)‏ Wladimir Lyra (Uppsala)‏ etc. (...just google for Pencil Code)‏

2 2 Pencil Code Started in Sept. 2001 by Axel Brandenburg and Wolfgang Dobler High order (6 th order in space, 3 rd order in time)‏ Cache & memory efficient MPI, can run PacxMPI (across countries!)‏ Maintained/developed by many people (CVS!)‏ Automatic validation (over night or any time)‏ Max resolution so far 1024 3, 256 procs

3 3 Pencil formulation In CRAY days: worked with full chunks f(nx,ny,nz,nvar)‏ –Now, on SGI, nearly 100% cache misses Instead work with f(nx,nvar), i.e. one nx-pencil No cache misses, negligible work space, just 2N –Can keep all components of derivative tensors Communication before sub-timestep Then evaluate all derivatives, e.g. call curl(f,iA,B)‏ –Vector potential A=f(:,:,:,iAx:iAz), B=B(nx,3)‏

4 4 Switch modules magnetic or nomagnetic (e.g. just hydro)‏ hydro or nohydro (e.g. kinematic dynamo)‏ density or nodensity (burgulence)‏ entropy or noentropy (e.g. isothermal)‏ radiation or noradiation (solar convection, discs)‏ dustvelocity or nodustvelocity (planetesimals)‏ Coagulation, reaction equations Homochirality (reaction-diffusion-advection equations)‏ Other physics modules: MHD, radiation, partial ionization, chemical reactions, self-gravity

5 5 Pencil Code check-ins

6 6 High-order schemes Alternative to spectral or compact schemes –Efficiently parallelized, no transpose necessary –No restriction on boundary conditions –Curvilinear coordinates possible (except for singularities)‏ 6th order central differences in space Non-conservative scheme –Allows use of logarithmic density and entropy –Copes well with strong stratification and temperature contrasts

7 7 (i) High-order spatial schemes Main advantage: low phase errors

8 8 Wavenumber characteristics

9 9 Higher order – less viscosity

10 10 Less viscosity – also in shocks

11 11 (ii) High-order temporal schemes Main advantage: low amplitude errors 3 rd order 2 nd order 1 st order 2N-RK3 scheme (Williamson 1980)‏

12 12 Shock tube test

13 13 Hyperviscous, Smagorinsky, normal Inertial range unaffected by artificial diffusion Haugen & Brandenburg (PRE, astro-ph/0402301)‏ height of bottleneck increased onset of bottleneck at same position

14 14 256 processor run at 1024 3

15 15 MHD equations Induction Equation: Magn. Vector potential Momentum and Continuity eqns

16 16 Vector potential B=curlA, advantage: divB=0 J=curlB=curl(curlA) =curl2A Not a disadvantage: consider Alfven waves B-formulation A-formulation 2 nd der once is better than 1 st der twice!

17 17 Comparison of A and B methods

18 18 Wallclock time versus processor # nearly linear Scaling 100 Mb/s shows limitations 1 - 10 Gb/s no limitation

19 19 Pre-processed data for animations

20 20 Ma=10 supersonic turbulence

21 21 Animation of B vectors

22 22 Animation of energy spectra Very long run at 512 3 resolution

23 23 MRI turbulence MRI = magnetorotational instability 256 3 w/o hypervisc. t = 600 = 20 orbits 512 3 w/o hypervisc.  t = 60 = 2 orbits

24 24 Fully convective star

25 25 Geodynamo simulation

26 26 Homochirality: competition of left/right Reaction-diffusion equation

27 27 Transfer equation & parallelization Analytic Solution: Ray direction Intrinsic Calculation Processors

28 28 The Transfer Equation & Parallelization Analytic Solution: Ray direction Communication Processors

29 29 The Transfer Equation & Parallelization Analytic Solution: Ray direction Processors Intrinsic Calculation

30 30 Current implementation Plasma composed of H and He Only hydrogen ionization Only H - opacity, calculated analytically No need for look-up tables Ray directions determined by grid geometry No interpolation is needed

31 31 Sunspot with radiative transfer Heinemann et al. 2007

32 32Conclusions High order schemes –Low phase and amplitude errors –Need less viscosity Subgrid scale modeling can be unsafe (some problems)‏ –shallower spectra, longer time scales, different saturation amplitudes (in helical dynamos)‏ The Pencil Code is versatile ‏ –Created for MHD problems, but recent modules include Radiative transfer and ionization Coagulation equation Homochirality Global accretion disks Solid particles Self-gravity...

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