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Culture, Value and Religious Conflicts By Kevin Dischino.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture, Value and Religious Conflicts By Kevin Dischino."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture, Value and Religious Conflicts By Kevin Dischino

2 What is a Culture The integrated system of socially acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct which delimit the range of accepted behaviors in any given society Culture distinguishes one society from another Culture is typically passed down from the older generation to the younger as they are encouraged to lead a particular lifestyle Often exists at an unconscious level, it is rarely thought about on a daily basis Ever since there has been culture there has been cultural conflict

3 American Culture Consumerism Democracy and Freedom Taboos Diversity Success Sports (Football and Baseball) Manifest Destiny

4 Culture Conflicts Native Americans versus European Settlers Genocide in Rwanda with Hutus and Tutsis Immigrants versus Modern Americans

5 Rwanda Conflict When Belgium loses control of Rwanda in the 1940’s fighting erupts Tension between the wealthier minority Tutsis and the poorer majority Hutus up until a 100 day period in 1994 when at least 500,000 Tutsis were killed, if not hundreds of thousands more

6 Native Americans versus European Settlers Native Americans originally inhabit North America and lived in hunter/farmer subsistence societies White Europeans focused on technology, money and new land, back in Europe had their own culture with a monarchy and cities Cultural conflict, diseases, genocide and taking of land led to a major wipeout of the Indian population

7 Immigrants versus Modern Americans Asian Americans, forced into hard manual labor on railroads, forced into labor camps during WWII Illegal Immigrants, mainly Spanish speaking, from South and Central America, often live in poor conditions and only come here to work for below minimum wages, poorly educated, often don’t speak English

8 Values Beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something) What are some different values? Where did they come from? Values can form cultures or societies when a bunch of people with similar values come together

9 How Values are Formed Cultures Religions Learned from parents, friends, siblings… known as imprinting Media Role Models Crisises

10 Religion Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship

11 Religious Conflicts Religious conflicts have been the cause of much warfare throughout all of history, persecution, discrimination and genocide of religious groups has been a common theme through history The Crusades Israelites versus Palestinians Nazis versus Jews

12 The Crusades Wars fought over 200 years to restore power of the Holy Land to the Christians, mainly against the Muslims The Holy Land was Jerusalem

13 Israelites versus Palestinians Ongoing dispute for centuries Control of the West Bank area is now the main factor Generally has been a conflict of religion, Jews vs. Muslims

14 Nazis German Nazis under Hitler’s command started a world war trying to murder all Jews Major clash of societies and religion, although used religion as a scapegoat

15 Culture, Values and Religion all are strongly related

16 Make Your Own Religion Divine power? Rules and obligations? Standards and Taboos? Values?

17 Make Your Own Culture Geographic Area? Language? Ideals and Values? Food? Entertainment?

18 What conflicts can arise? How will they be settled? Will cultures and religions be separated to avoid conflicts?

19 How cultures and religion can affect Globalization Culture barriers were a huge factor in impeding the globalization process up until the information age when these barriers were more easily broken Education has also brought people together Culture and religion conflicts in one country affect many others (i.e.: WWII) Certain cultures find different niches in the new global market

20 How Globalization Affects Cultures and Religion Globalization can eliminate or lessen certain traditions and cultures when other cultures are pushed on to it Different cultures and religions are exposed to the ideas of other cultures and religions Western culture has had a big affect on other cultures

21 Sources ndians/what_was_the_attitude_of_the_whi.htm ndians/what_was_the_attitude_of_the_whi.htm w/topten/hutu/history.html w/topten/hutu/history.html

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