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Authors: Marta Konik and Kamila Marcinowska Class 3D.

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Presentation on theme: "Authors: Marta Konik and Kamila Marcinowska Class 3D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authors: Marta Konik and Kamila Marcinowska Class 3D

2 Ireland is a country on British Island. The Nothern part is a member of the United Kingdom. There were many Celts on this area in the past, but now Ireland is a Christian state.

3 Christmas in Ireland lasts from Christmas Eve to the Epiphany on January 6.

4 Ireland`s Christmas is more religious than a time of fun. Besides all of the Christian traditions Ireland has its unique Christmas rituals. The lighting of candles (usually red decorated with springs of holly) has a religious symbolism. It`s a way to say that there is a place in the house for little Jesus and his parents. Also after the Christmas evening meal, bread and milk are left out as a symbol of hospitality.

5 Christmas is celebrated in memory of the birth of Jesus. The saint Mary and Joseph were travelling from Nazareth, because of the counting of all citizens. Mary was pregnant. When they came to Betlehem they stayed in a stable and there Mary gave birth to Jesus. Then arrived the three wise men - Gaspar, Melchior, Balthasar, who gave him gold, myrrh and frankincense as a gift.

6 On the 24 December children prepare for a visit of Santa Claus, who in that one, special night comes from the North Pole to their houses and gives them presents.

7 Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas and Santa Claus – these are the names of a very famous bishop from Turkey, who was generous to poor people, mostly children. Over many years, he has become Santa Claus from the North Pole.

8 Very common custom is that Irish women bake a seed cake for each person in the house. They also make three puddings, one for each day of the Epiphany.

9 On the 25 December children get presents. Then there is a Christmas Dinner. The 26 December – Boxing Day they spend in cinemas or theatres.

10 In Ireland Christmas are white. There is always snowy and freezy. It`s the best time to make a snowman.


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