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Training for Tomorrow Webinar Sponsored by: Missouri Department of Economic Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Training for Tomorrow Webinar Sponsored by: Missouri Department of Economic Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for Tomorrow Webinar Sponsored by: Missouri Department of Economic Development

2  Jeff Harris, Director of Policy, Governor Jay Nixon’s office  Julie Gibson, Director, Division of Workforce Development, MO Dept of Economic Development  Andy Papen, Manager, Community Development Block Grant Program, MO Dept of Economic Development  Sallie Hemenway, Director, Business and Community Services Division, MO Dept of Economic Development  Host/Moderator: Mike Muin, Economist, Business and Community Services, MO Department of Economic Development  MO Community Colleges!


4  Review Training for Tomorrow purpose and opportunities  Review Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application and Guidelines  Review Application Submission procedure/deadline  Provide contacts for technical assistance during application preparation  Provide direct Q&A session

5  Recognized relationship of a trained workforce and our economic recovery  Capacity building for Community Colleges  Development of new and expanding programming to meet business demands specific to your regions  A one-time competitive funding round of $12M

6  CDBG Disaster Recovery funding, Public Law 110- 329, approved 9/30/08 and distributed 12/09  Eligible applicants – County governments in areas with a Presidential disaster declaration (all counties except DeKalb, Clinton, Caldwell, Clay, Jackson, Lafayette, Henry, and Benton)*  Must apply on behalf of a Community College (Community Colleges may not apply direct, nor may a County apply without a College)  County’s are generally familiar with CDBG. Regional Planning Commissions may also provide assistance. *discussed in detail later

7  Eligible reimbursable costs include all costs related to increasing the capacity of the College related to the development of new and expanding programming ◦ No replacing existing salaries except if duties are re- assigned ◦ No replacing existing overhead costs (expanded costs resulting from capacity building effort are eligible) ◦ No bricks and mortar projects  Costs associated with properly procured professional services are eligible  Reasonable travel, printing, and other administrative office costs are eligible

8  One-time only $12M pool of funds  No per application maximum amount established  No administration allowance is available from CDBG – the use of local County or College staff for administration and oversight is acceptable in-kind  No pre-agreement costs are allowed (costs incurred prior to the grant award date)  There are no match requirements for the grant application

9  Colleges may receive only one grant award  Applications may include different activities proposed for different campuses  The “typical” fund flow structure (may vary for Colleges in Counties not declared eligible) ◦ County in which main Community College campus resides is “applicant” ◦ After award, funds are disbursed as costs are incurred, from CDBG to County (grantee) and then distributed, per operating agreement, to Community College (sub- recipient) main campus finance office ◦ Any further distribution to other campuses occurs at college level

10  A collaborative partnership between the County government and the Community College  Requires a formal operating agreement that spells out roles and responsibilities  Counties are used to applying “on behalf of” other entities  This application does not interfere or replace any other potential CDBG award to the County  Sample agreements are available

11  Typical administrative requirements of the grant include: ◦ Financial management ◦ Procurement ◦ Contract management ◦ Environmental review (exempt in the case of planning grants) ◦ Reporting ◦ Grant close-out  Typical CDBG grant – 2 year activities

12  Application Forms and Guidelines are available on the web at  Applications must be postmarked no later than Monday, February 15, 2010 Missouri Department of Economic Development Attn: CDBG Training For Tomorrow 301 West High Street, HST Suite 680 P.O. Box 118 Jefferson City, MO 65102  One original signed, and 3 complete copies required

13  Staff of BCS and DWD will review each application submitted for eligibility  Priority applications will include: ◦ Well planned activities ◦ Need, represented by a proven market demand for the programming ◦ Local collaboration represented by the identification of partners in business and industry that will assist with program design ◦ Consistency of effort represented by proof of alignment with local economic recovery efforts ◦ A final product represented by the creation of, or addition to specific high demand career pathways ◦ And beneficiaries represented by a detailed implementation plan for use of the new products/skills developed through the capacity building efforts.

14  Andy Papen and CDBG staff are available to answer questions from Community Colleges or County’s regarding application forms, process or funding  4 main sections to Application 1.General information including project budget and 7 narrative questions 2.One summary sheet that captures project detail (used for press and legislature) 3.Required Application Forms for County 4.Required Application Forms for Community College  Applicants may add separate sheets to the application form for the narrative questions and the budget page

15  Required Application Form for Colleges: 1. Statement of Assurances (compliance with federal laws) 2. Restrictions on use of funds for lobbying 3. Section 3 efforts (contracts over $100,000 require efforts to provide access to Section 3 businesses) 4. Disclosure Report (lists other federal assistance in project and all interested or related parties)

16 Type Your Questions and Submit Mike Muin will moderate the Q&A session.

17 573-522-4173

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