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Schoolwide Planning, Part III: Strategic Action Planning

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1 Schoolwide Planning, Part III: Strategic Action Planning
Title I, Part A, Schoolwide Planning, Part III: Strategic Action Planning Title I University January 29, 2015 Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability

2 Session Objectives Review of Phase II
Goal Setting – Developing SMART Goals Moving Beyond Goal Development Strategies and Action Steps Implementation and Monitoring Conclusion – Putting it All Together Review of Schoolwide Planning Process Conducting the CNA Developing SMART goals Strategic Action Planning The Schoolwide Plan Template

3 Review of Session #2: Goal Setting
During the last session, you were guided through a goal-setting process to address areas of need identified in the CNA. Today, we will discuss how to develop an action plan to achieve the desired state as defined by the goals you have set. Current State: What is our vision for improvement? Where do we hope to be in 2-3 years? A B Desired State: How will we get there? How will we know that we’ve met our goals?

4 Core Elements of a Schoolwide Plan
Title I schoolwide programs are implemented based on 3 core elements: a comprehensive plan based on the strengths/areas for improvement from the CNA an annual evaluation on the implementation of the plan to gauge effectiveness of the strategies utilized a comprehensive needs assessment on the performance of all student populations Components 2-10 of the “Ten Components” of a SWP Component 1 of the “Ten Components” of a SWP

5 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan
A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school; Schoolwide reform strategies that: Provide opportunities for all children to meet the state's proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement; Use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research; Include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State student academic achievement and how the school will determine if such needs have been met; Instruction by highly qualified teachers; High-quality and on-going professional development; Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools; Strategies to increase parental involvement; Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs; Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program; Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance; and Coordination and integration of federal, state, and local services and programs.

6 Schoolwide Program Planning Cycle
CNA Inquiry Process SMART Goals SW Plan Design Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation In Part II, a process for developing SMART goals was presented. Today’s session will focus on the identification of targeted, research-based strategies and designing an action plan to implement these strategies. Then we’ll pull it all together by addressing implementation, monitoring, using the schoolwide planning template, and a timeline for plan review

7 Comprehensive plan development extends beyond goal-setting.
Tip for success Comprehensive plan development extends beyond goal-setting. During this phase, teams will identify targeted, research-based strategies aligned with the attainment of the SMART goals developed. Next, action steps will be set to implement the strategies. In this phase teams will develop the step-by-step roadmap to achieve the desired state. It will be important to focus on research-based strategies that address root causes for each area of focus.

8 Developing the Strategic Action Plan
The strategic action plan clearly describes: Targeted research-based strategies; Action steps; Responsibility; and Monitoring and frequency so that anyone in the school is able to understand the adult practices which will be regularly measured and monitored to ensure effective implementation.

9 Sample Action Plan Template

10 Targeted Research-Based Strategies
When reviewing research-based strategies, consider the following questions: Does the strategy address the root causes that we identified? Are there potential barriers to success (human capacity, time, funding) in implementing the strategy? How can the barriers be overcome?

11 Action Steps When developing action steps to implement the chosen research-based strategies, consider the following questions: What is the purpose of the activity? How or why will the activity lead to the desired result? How will the implementation of multiple action steps be coordinated?

12 Responsibility When assigning responsibility for implementing each action step, consider the following questions: Should one person be responsible, or a group of people? Planning Implementing Monitoring How can responsibility be distributed so that one person isn’t responsible for most or all action steps?

13 Monitoring and Frequency
When developing a monitoring plan, consider the following questions: How will progress towards achieving the desired outcome be measured? Are specific timelines established, instead of more generally stated timeframes (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually)? Are timelines coordinated with each other? Is responsibility for monitoring distributed across a range of individuals?

14 Schoolwide Program Planning Cycle
CNA Inquiry Process SMART Goals SW Plan Design Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation In Part II, a process for developing SMART goals was presented. Today’s session will focus on the identification of targeted, research-based strategies and designing an action plan to implement these strategies. Then we’ll pull it all together by addressing implementation, monitoring, using the schoolwide planning template, and a timeline for plan review

15 The Schoolwide Plan Template
Optional Includes the ten required elements of the Title I schoolwide plan Allows the school to cross-reference Indistar© indicators May be housed on the school’s Indistar© dashboard Should be completed with sufficient detail to serve as a “stand-alone” plan

16 The Schoolwide Plan Template

17 Conclusion and Next Steps
What did we accomplish today? We: Developed an understanding of how to determine strategic action steps Reviewed all steps in developing the schoolwide plan What comes next? “Monitoring and Revising the Schoolwide Plan” -- Title I University session for divisions/schools with existing schoolwide plans – March 12, 2015 Schoolwide plans for new schoolwide schools should be submitted to the division’s Title I specialist by May 1, 2015 B A Point A – Where we are; Point B – figuring out where you need to be – phase two. Phase 3 – how to get there (the road map)

18 Q & A Opportunity

19 Lynn Sodat, Ph.D., Title I Coordinator
Contact info Lynn Sodat, Ph.D., Title I Coordinator Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration & Accountability Tel: Title I, Part A, Web Page

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