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Sentence and Paragraph Writing Robin Howard North Warren Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence and Paragraph Writing Robin Howard North Warren Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence and Paragraph Writing Robin Howard North Warren Elementary

2 Some things go together and some things do not. Take a look at these pictures……

3 How are the objects in this picture alike?

4 How are these things alike?

5 Look closely at the words listed below. Which words go together? Cat Apple Dog Rabbit Mouse Bird

6 How are those things alike?

7 You’ve got it! They go together because they have things in common. They go together because they have things in common. Things that are alike! Things that are alike!

8 Words can go together, too!

9 Look at my grocery list. Which words on the list go together? Eggs Apples Milk Sugar Flour Waters Hamburger meat grapes Hotdogs Coffee Bread Cheese Popsicles Jello Raisins Let’s put them into groups! Group 1Group 2 Group 3Group 4

10 Are you ready to stretch your brains a little further??? Are you ready to stretch your brains a little further??? OK!!! Get ready! OK!!! Get ready! Great Job!!!

11 If you can put things together then you can write sentences! No only that…YOU can turn those sentences into paragraphs!!!!

12 Let’s Practice!!!

13 Read the sentences below and decide which one doesn’t belong. We take our sleds and go to the big hill behind our house. I have so much fun on snow days! Snow days are the best! Yellow is my favorite color. My family likes to go sledding!

14 Let’s practice again! Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday! My aunt helps me make a beautiful valentine box! I send valentines to all of my friends at school. We went to the Dollar Store yesterday. Chocolate is my favorite candy! Valentine’s Day is so much fun!

15 Did you see the sentences that didn’t belong? Now you’re ready to help me write a paragraph using sentences that belong!!

16 This is how you’re going to help me! Introducing….. Our new friend,........



19 You just need to help me remember a few things! The first sentence is very, very bossy! It’s called the main idea or topic sentence! The first sentence is very, very bossy! It’s called the main idea or topic sentence!

20 Remember the sentences about snow days? Main idea sentences are so bossy they won’t let another sentence in the paragraph that doesn’t belong! Which sentence is the bossy sentence??

21 Snow days are the best! Everything else has to be about what???? Everything else has to be about what???? SNOW DAYS! SNOW DAYS!

22 Which sentence tells about all the other sentences? Snow days are the best! Snow days are the best! So…..everything else is about snow days, too.

23 Remember the sentence that didn’t belong? Yellow is my favorite color. Can’t stay..has to go! The bossy main idea sentence won’t let it stay!!!

24 Now the next sentence must be a fact sentence. Not just any fact, but something about snow days. Not just any fact, but something about snow days. Which one would fit?

25 Fact sentence My family likes to go sledding. My family likes to go sledding. So far see what we have! So far see what we have!

26 Sentence number 3-feeling or supporting fact. You can choose here: You can choose here: Should I add a “feeling” sentence. (ex-love, like, enjoy, etc.) Should I add a “feeling” sentence. (ex-love, like, enjoy, etc.) Or…should I add an extra detail to the fact sentence? Or…should I add an extra detail to the fact sentence? Let’s use a supporting detail sentence! Let’s use a supporting detail sentence!

27 Which sentence supports the second sentence?

28 This is what we have so far. Snow days are the best! My family likes to go sledding. Which sentence adds more detail to “My family likes to go sledding?” What about? We take our sleds and go to the big hill behind our house. Does that tell about my family sledding? Yes, it does!!

29 Now to the last sentence! Sentence number 4! Look at the last shape! Conclusion sentence is last sentence. Which one belongs here?

30 I have so much fun on snow days! TAAADAAAAHHHHH! You did it! You helped me write a great paragraph with Sentences that go together! Let’s look at the paragraph and read it together. Snow days are the best. My family likes to go sledding. We take our sleds and go to the big hill behind our house. I have so much fun on snow days!

31 What was our paragraph about? SNOW DAYS!!!

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