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2 ND HALF JUZ 1 AND JUZ 2 Day 2. REVIEW Three characteristics of the people of Taqwa and three characteristics of the hypocrites What was the parable.

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Presentation on theme: "2 ND HALF JUZ 1 AND JUZ 2 Day 2. REVIEW Three characteristics of the people of Taqwa and three characteristics of the hypocrites What was the parable."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 ND HALF JUZ 1 AND JUZ 2 Day 2

2 REVIEW Three characteristics of the people of Taqwa and three characteristics of the hypocrites What was the parable of the mosquito or fly? Summarize the story of the cow

3 75-82 Two faced Fabrication False sense of contentment

4 83-92 Comprehensive religion Can’t pick and choose True belief

5 93-100 Religion brings goodness Love of the world Jews belief in angels

6 101-110 Magic Words Harms of Jealousy

7 111-121 Other religions

8 122-134 Allah’s promise to Ibrahim عليه السلام Building of Kabah Dua of Ibrahim عليه السلام Advice of all the Prophets

9 135-142 Universality of Islam Each person and nation will face its own deeds

10 JUZ 2

11 142-149 Changing of the Qiblah Just community Allah’s love and concern for His Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم

12 153-157 Seeking Allah’s help shaheed Trials Adversity rewards

13 158-167 Safa and Marwa Concealing knowledge Not repenting Following others

14 168-176 Eating pure and lawful Not following shaytaan Necessity

15 177-182 Righteousness Qisas Wills

16 183-188 Fasting Fidya Quran Travelling/ill Relations during the night Dua

17 189-195 Cresecent Jihaad Give charity

18 196-203 Hajj rules

19 204-213 Allah knows the hearts Arrogance Complete submission Signs from Allah

20 214-220 Trials Charity Allahs wisdom Intoxicants and gambling Property of orphans

21 221-232 Marrying mushrikeen Menstruation Divorce Remarrying

22 233-242 Nursing Widows remarrying Hinting engagement during waiting period to a widow Divorcing after contract only

23 243-251 Fear of Allah Trust in Allah Dawud عليه السلام and Jaloot

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