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Shutdown Constraints and Radiation and Activation effects ECFA - Aix Les Bains 21.10.2014 S. Bally, O. Beltramello, I. Bergstrom, N. De Bortoli, H.Vincke,

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Presentation on theme: "Shutdown Constraints and Radiation and Activation effects ECFA - Aix Les Bains 21.10.2014 S. Bally, O. Beltramello, I. Bergstrom, N. De Bortoli, H.Vincke,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shutdown Constraints and Radiation and Activation effects ECFA - Aix Les Bains 21.10.2014 S. Bally, O. Beltramello, I. Bergstrom, N. De Bortoli, H.Vincke, K. Zabrzycki

2 Reassessment of the scaling factors for ATLAS following to the new luminosity profile... Scale factor between the doses measured at LS1 and LS3/LS4/LS5 shutdowns... Estimations are performed using the current ATLAS detector configuration Updated Luminosity Profile (L. Rossi, O. Bruning, M. Lamont July 2014)

3 Maximum ratio #/LS1 1 week4 weeks6 weeks8 weeks16 weeks1 year LS21.9 LS32.9 LS4 (1118 fb -1 )10.911.912.613.214.817.0 LS5 (1868 fb -1 ) 3000 fb -1 11.011.912.513.516.321.4 Maximum ratio #/LS1 1 week4 weeks6 weeks8 weeks16 weeks1 year LS4 (1281 fb -1 )15.115.716.216.718.220.5 LS5 (2181 fb -1 )15.115.916.416.919.425.2 3000 fb -1 15.115.916.517.120.727.1 4000 fb -1 15.115.916.417.521.127.7 Nominal luminosity Maximum luminosity (Based on average res. dose rate R<100 cm) ATLAS Scaling Factors – maximum 3

4 Estimation of the scaling factors: In general : Short cooling times are dominated by short-lived radio nuclides  dose rate reflects the interaction rate (peak luminosity) Long cooling times are dominated by longer-lived radio nuclides  dose rate reflects roughly the integrated luminosity For both cases, it depends strongly on the material and therefore on the produced radionuclides Between LS1 and LS2 / LS3/ LS4 /LS5 shutdowns – cooling time 4 months: For a longer cooling time, the scaling factor is increasing Scale factor: ATLAS Scaling factor (at 4 months) LS2 versus LS12.5 LS3 versus LS14 LS4 versus LS115 (nom. Lumi) / 20 (max lumi) LS5 versus LS115 (nom. Lumi) / 20 (max lumi) 3000fb-1 / 4000fb-115 (nom. Lumi) / 20 (max lumi)

5 ATLAS Dose rates profile – LS3 – LS4 5 40 250 50 10 250 1000 50 250 LS3 TAS Barrel Cal./ End Cap Cal. I/F 1 year 4 weeks LS3 LS4 1 year 4 weeks TA S Barrel Cal./ End Cap Cal. I/F TAS Barrel Cal./ End Cap Cal. I/F TAS Barrel Cal./End Cap Cal. I/F 1 year 4 weeks 1 year 4 weeks

6 ATLAS Scaling factors profile – LS3 6 TAS VA & VT, Alu instead of SS Scaling factors decreased due to change of material for beam pipes …. ALARA Effect of pilling up of long-lived isotopes at long cooling time

7 ACTIWIZ Software for ALARA ActiWiz software ( allows to quickly quantify radiological hazard of material implemented into CERN’s accelerator environment.  optimize dose to personnel and minimize the production of radioactive waste.  Present situation 69 elements and most common metals and construction materials were processed  first version of a catalogue for CERN accelerators (LINAC4, BOOSTER, PS, SPS & LHC radiation environments)  Future update Adaptation of the code to the LHC experiments Flexibility to efficiently extend ActiWiz for new radiation fields & future facilities Efficiently conduct waste characterization + analysis for arbitrary radiation fields Available end of 2015

8 ALARA in progress in ATLAS.. To prepare for future shutdowns Change of the Beam pipes from stainless steel to Aluminum at LS1, Motorization of the beam pipe VT support, Remote handling VJ installation tool, etc …. EDUSAFE gamma imaging camera – 1 st prototype ready

9 Impact of the new regulations on ATLAS zoning (waste and operational) A revision of the radioactive zoning performed for ATLAS taking into account the Exemption limits (in Bq/kg) currently under revision in Europe. Operational zoning for various cooling times. Waste zoning calculated for 100 days (ref. L. Ulrici) Need to assess the detailed impact of the regulation change for all CERN activities: new storage areas, impact on waste management, need of new radioactive workshops ? “Old” ATLAS Waste Zoning “New” ATLAS Waste Zoning

10 CMS Simulations 10 Same irradiation profile (max luminosity) as for ATLAS Simulations NB: Cooling times quoted represent the time since proton operation (does not included heavy ion run) Different geometry models used depending on shutdown configuration LS1 Simulation with a Run 1 FLUKA model (Stainless Steel Central conical beam pipe, no YE4 disks) LS2 & LS3 Simulations with a Run 2 FLUKA model (Aluminum Central conical beam pipe, with YE4 disks) LS3 results based on assumption that remaining beam pipe up to TAS is not changed from Stainless Steel to Aluminum in LS2 LS4 and ‘3000 fb -1 ’ Simulations with Phase 2 FLUKA model (Aluminum beam pipe, extended TAS and other phase 2 upgrades). ‘New’ components such as Aluminum forward beam pipe, TAS, Endcap detectors are exposed to Run 1, 2, 3 irradiation in FLUKA Simulations  Conservative estimate of long-lived nuclides. How conservative depends on saturation effects.

11 CMS dose rate (LS1, 2, 3, 4, 3000/fb) profiles after 4 weeks cooling 11 HL-LHC Maximal luminosity LS1 LS2 LS3 v., v., v., Ida Bergstrom (DGS/RP)

12 Maximum ratio of dose rates #/LS1 1 week4 weeks6 weeks8 weeks16 weeks1 year LS22.0 LS33. LS4 (1281 fb -1 )1718 192026 3000 fb -1 1718 192334 CMS (Maximum luminosity for HL-LHC) (Based on average res. dose rate R<100 cm) CMS Scaling factors – maximum 12 For Comparison: ATLAS (Maximum luminosity for HL-LHC) Maximum ratio of dose rates LS#/LS1 1 week4 weeks6 weeks8 weeks16 weeks1 year LS2 1.9 LS3 2.9 LS4 (1281 fb -1 ) 1516 171821 3000 fb -1 1516 172127  CMS results consistent with ATLAS  The small difference in maximum scaling factors are possibly due to bulky material at various points along the beam line (see next slides)

13 CMS Scaling factor profile – LS3 13 Central conical beam pipe Al instead of SS TAS Pb, Al Preshower & support cone Al EE back plate inserts/support plate Stainless Steel back flange & support below ME1/1 Stainless Steel Interface Plate

14 Between LS1 and LS2 / LS3/ LS4 /LS5 shutdowns – cooling time 4 months: For a longer cooling time, the scaling factor is increasing CMS Scaling factor (at 4 months) LS2 versus LS12.5 LS3 versus LS14 LS4 versus LS120 (max lumi) LS5 versus LS120 (max lumi) 3000fb-1 / 4000fb-120 (max lumi) 14 CMS Dose rates profile – LS3CMS Dose rates profile – LS4 (Maximum Luminosity)

15 CMS comparison between calculations and measurements for LS1 Preliminary benchmark between calculation and measurement has shown similar results (same order of magnitude). Require defined work method and post-treatment analysis. In-situ measurements are done in several “opening/maintenance” configurations Example: 3.2 m Flange 10.7 m Flange 15 5 uSv/h (40 cm; 1 y) 5 uSv/h (40 cm; 6 mon) 14 uSv/h (40 cm; 6 mon)

16 ALARA in progress in CMS... To prepare for future shutdowns Radiation Shielding Working group set up (Beam pipe flanges shielding and Inner detector region shielding manufactured) Material Choice Change of the Beam pipes from stainless steel to Aluminum at LS2 Working Method Job preparation (writing or updating procedure), optimization (job and dose planning) and follow-up (control and “retour d’experience”) is essential (learning curve) Requires sufficient resources (time and manpower) well before the intervention starts. Opening (maintenance) Scenarios BRIL project set up (specific FLUKA simulation prepared, 2-step computation method) 16

17 Impact of the new regulations on CMS zoning (waste and operational) New zoning simulations (with updated parameters) have to be performed before releasing the new definition of the radioactive zoning of CMS. Requirements for: -radioactive material storage areas (quantities) -waste management (quantities, waste sorting, logistics, transport, cleaning activities) and needs for -radioactive workshops (destructive activities) shall be re-assessed accordingly. Thank you to BRIL project team contributions (A. Dabrowski, M. Guthoff, S. Mallows) 17

18 Conclusions  New scaling factors for ATLAS and CMS from the updated luminosity profile For LS2 shutdown, we expect UX15 and UX55 classified as Supervised Radiation areas except some regions like Inner Detector or Forward shielding which will become Limited Stay areas  For ALICE and LHCb, the dose rates are not expected to change between Run 2 and Run1, they will remain Supervised Radiation areas  ALARA is an essential and natural part of CERN culture: all LHC experiments have a strong ALARA policy and have started implementation during LS1.  Activiz code is being upgraded currently, and will be ready end 2015 to cope with LHC experiments requirements.  The impact of the new radioactive material Exemption Limits is currently being assessed: waste material quantities, radioactive workshops, storage areas. A working group is currently being set up to analyze these issues

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