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Sell More TWS AutoSys to TWS Conversion Service

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Presentation on theme: "Sell More TWS AutoSys to TWS Conversion Service"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sell More TWS AutoSys to TWS Conversion Service
Automatic IT Corp.

2 Why AIT Conversions Close More Conversion Sales
Rapidly address client concerns over conversion process Lets you focus on selling benefits and results Automatic IT Corp.

3 Results for Your Clients
Conversion effort estimated in one day Guaranteed quote for jobs converted with little/no client interaction Estimate for other jobs backed by $1.5M of conversion experience Automatic IT Corp.

4 How It’s Done Email to
JIL file 5 Minute Questionnaire In one day, receive: Quotes and estimates Customized presentation Customized high level project plan White paper covering conversion process Automatic IT Corp.

5 It’s All About Deal Velocity
Handful of deals a year today Adding focus should easily double deal rate Each deal worth $100K and more Doesn’t cost IBM hard dollars You’re free to focus on the deal Automatic IT Corp.

6 Conversion Overview Planning Conversion Review Testing
Production Cutover Automatic IT Corp.

7 Conversion Planning Data collection
Generate a JIL file (export jobs) from the latest AutoSys job definitions. Run analysis scripts on JIL file and review results Run the script to perform initial conversion Examine customer’s organizational structure (who owns what jobs?) Review customer’s batch documentation standards Gather customer job scripts to support identifying embedded AutoSys utilities. Automatic IT Corp.

8 Conversion Planning Initial Assessment
Review data collected from customer’s current environment Identify functionality not directly converted by initial conversion Identify impact of conversion on customer’s job scripts, if any Identify risk areas Automatic IT Corp.

9 Conversion Planning Develop detailed project plan
Identify project phases Typically phased by organizational or application group boundaries Goal is to plan phases with jobs that can be converted independently Set start/end dates for each task by phase Develop plans for risk mitigation Develop estimate of effort to complete conversion Automatic IT Corp.

10 Perform Conversion Convert AutoSys objects to TWS objects typically customized to optimize conversion Run script to produce TWS Job and Job Stream definition files Review files for missing functionality identified by conversion script Identify intent of missing functionality Identify equivalent TWS implementation Potentially update to further automate conversion Compare generated TWS objects to AutoSys job definitions and customer documentation Automatic IT Corp.

11 Perform Conversion Additional Conversion steps
Eliminate AutoSys utilities from Customer job scripts Recommend/Make changes Test updated job scripts Generate implementation documentation consistent with customer’s standards Automatic IT Corp.

12 Review Results Present conversion results and documentation to job/application owner Incorporate review feedback into the converted TWS scheduling objects and documentation Automatic IT Corp.

13 Test Conversion Identify test cases required to validate conversion
Load TWS scheduling objects into a test environment Stub any applications not available in test environment Execute test cases Verify functional equivalence of TWS scheduling objects Use TWS reporting to verify job stream Run Cycles Automatic IT Corp.

14 Production Cutover Identify back out plan
Transition converted AutoSys jobs into production Monitor production during initial cutover Obtain acceptance from Job/application owners Automatic IT Corp.

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