CYP Act: Key issues and possible actions

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1 CYP Act: Key issues and possible actions
Pauline Beirne AHP CYP National Lead

2 Time!

3 Getting it right for every child in context
Scotland – Best place in the world for children to grow up Improving Wellbeing Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible & Included Sustained improvement in outcomes through changes in culture, systems and practice Key Legislation Public Bodies (Joint Working) Act Children and Young People Act SDS Act Community Empower and Renewal Bill Carers Bill Reporting /planning on promoting, supporting & safeguarding wellbeing – duties under CYP Act Integration Plans (PB (JW )Act) Specific Policies /Initiatives to support Improvement Early Years – Parenting Strategy Play Strategy Early Years Collaborative Child and Maternal Health Universal Pathways Vulnerable Families Pathway Review of HV Looked after C&YP We can and must do better, Christie Report(2011)… and more! Getting it right for every child Values and Principles Core Components Early Years Framework Curriculum For Excellence Scrutiny Policies Overarching/ Enablers Single Outcome Agreements/ NPF The Improvement Model Annual Review of NHS Local Delivery Plans Improved Outcomes Child Family Community Population

4 One without the others! Getting it Right for Every Child(Girfec)
Children and Young Peoples Act (2014) (CYP Act): 1st legislation in the NHS in 50 years! Christie Report (2011) Early Years Collaborative 28 – 30 Month Review

5 For example :Christie Report (2011)
Radical new collaborative culture Urgent and sustainable reform Outcomes driven Accountability and transparency Work with communities and individuals Prioritise prevention: 40% of spend on interventions that could have been managed by preventative input. Tackle causes of deprivation and low aspiration

6 In a nutshell The Act defines wellbeing and the assessment of wellbeing, specifies how a Named Person will be made available for every child from birth to 18 (or older if still in school), and makes provision for a statutory Child’s Plan to coordinate support for those children who require one. The Act also provides a framework for information sharing between professionals to support the functions of the Named Person and the delivery of the Child’s Plan. In taking forward the duties within the Act, public bodies and others must consider and have regard to the views of the child or young person.

7 What’s the difference between Welfare and Wellbeing?
‘Welfare’ - connotations of child protection/safety ‘Wellbeing’ more all-encompassing, capturing the full range of factors that affect a child and young person’s life – safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible & included. Prevention and early intervention – proactive rather than reactive ( Action ?) Girfec :the Act will provide the impetus required to ensure consistency of implementation across Scotland. It’s a national approach that can be applied to all children in all circumstances. It is based on research and evidence that tells us that outcomes are improved through involving children and families in decisions, having a single point of contact to address concerns, a coordinator of care across services, sharing information, a single plan, In implementation it tends to require agencies to change systems and practice & professional cultures

8 Wellbeing in Practice

9 What if I am asked to provide urgent treatment through a request for help/ assistance?
Duties on organisations delivered through individuals Staff to have an understanding of the wellbeing of children in terms of the indicators, share concerns and address the wellbeing of children and young people Key role of Named Person : Management of concerns/information sharing Requesting/ responding to requests for help : What might this look like ? Management and supporting the delivery of a Child’s Plan (Role of Lead Professional) Comply with any reasonable request for help/ assistance, there should be policies and procedures to assist you to respond to these. P Prioritising access this may not only mean considering when a patient is placed on the waiting list, their physical condition/ symptoms but also any wider wellbeing impact on the child or young person – safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible & included : A different focus for prioritisation

10 What does it mean for Children
Children and families at the centre Assessment, planning and action from identification of need Single coordinating point of contact Shared language across professional groups and organisations Single assessment framework Single plan with clear actions, outcomes, responsibilities and timescales Prioritization and co-ordination of actions Reduced duplication in assessment, meetings & reviews Reduced chance of confusion over responsibilities to address needs

11 Statutory Guidance Consultation
12 weeks to respond Lobby from CYP 3rd Sector organisations with call for tightly governed timelines around planning and review of planning Practice guidance will be required for organisations and practitioners Local Delivery Plans: Issued to all Boards to report on Local Delivery of Act including work force capacity;person centred care and safe care.

12 Complying with Statutory Duties
Changes to culture, systems and practice Organisational Capability Ensuring staff have the knowledge, skills and competencies Configuring business processes in terms of policies, procedures, protocols and governance framework Organisational Capacity Sufficient staffing to consistently deliver on duties and provisions

13 What do we need to make it happen?
Culture change Prevention and early intervention Shifting resources Child centred outcomes linked to well being A move from Welfare to wellbeing Principle based practice that requires complex decision makers! Consider and Communicate the Impact for Adult Service Providers

14 Areas for Discussion Use of secondary legislation, statutory guidance, national policy, practice guidance, local policies procedures, protocol and delivery. Are staff clear on what is expected of them? Do all relevant staff (those working with children and parents/ carers) have an awareness of the 8 wellbeing indicators – SHANARRI and how they should consider impact on them? Do staff have the knowledge, skills and capacity to deliver? If not, what workforce development and planning will be required? What policies, procedures, protocols and systems are required to support changes in practice, governance, information management and information sharing? Is the culture supportive of information sharing where sharing without consent may be required?

15 People/Young-People
Thank you . People/Young-People

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