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Compe 341 Oracle Installation Procedure. Oracle From Click.

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Presentation on theme: "Compe 341 Oracle Installation Procedure. Oracle From Click."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compe 341 Oracle Installation Procedure

2 Oracle From Click Download Oracle link Then from the opening window click Save File and save the file in a directory you want for example in desktop

3 Oracle Click Oracle.exe file to start the installation procedure Click next in the opened window

4 Oracle


6 Enter system for the password and re-enter in order to confirm it.

7 Oracle


9 Write system both for the username and the password and click login

10 Oracle Click Administration

11 Oracle Click Database Users

12 Oracle Click HR

13 Oracle Write “hr” for both the username and the password Change the account status as “Unlocked” Click Alter User

14 Oracle Finally click Logout Now you can login with your “hr” username and “hr” password

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