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Center for Flow Physics and Control College of Engineering University of Notre Dame.

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1 Center for Flow Physics and Control College of Engineering University of Notre Dame

2 Tradition of Aerodynamic Research Aerospace BuildingHessert Laboratory 1888194019922008 White Field LaboratoryZahm Manned Glider Flight 50,000 sq-ft of laboratory and office space 2001 Center for Flow Physics and Control (FlowPAC) 1920

3 What is Flow Physics and Control  Control: Techniques for modifying fluid flows to achieve desired outcomes  Physics: Rely on basic understanding of the flow to minimize control authority ( Identified NeedBasic Research IMPACT Applied Technology Control + = -15dB Sound Reduction (Flow Physics)(Control)

4 Signature Research Areas  Aero-acoustics  Aero-optics  Fluid-structure Interactions  Gas-turbine Propulsion  Multi-phase Flows  Sensors and Flow Control Actuators

5 FlowPAC: Professional Recognition GE University Strategic Alliance (USA) member Honeywell Master Agreement GM Master Agreement Boeing R&D University (Pending) ~ 22 Faculty  8 fellows of one or more professional societies  3 associate fellows of professional societies  4 books  6 editors or associate editors of technical journals

6 FlowPAC: Performance Trajectory 6-year Growth Amount of Research Grants Number of Graduate Students Number of Undergraduate Students AY03 AY04AY05AY06AY07AY08 Graduate Students283236405060 Undergraduate Students 510 12 Post-docs245666 Research Faculty222222 Visiting Faculty222133 New Funding (M$)1.202.604.906.2010.626.50

7 FlowPAC: Industry Partners Consortium Members Boeing (R&D University) General Electric (USA Member) Honeywell (Master Agreement) Bell Helicopter/Textron Orbital Research † Industry Partners Pratt & Whitney Northrop-Grumman General Motors Shell Oil Chrysler Philip Morris AgilOptics Spectral Energies † Volpe Metro-laser Photon Aoptics Innovative Technology Applications † Mach Zero † Xinetics † MZA † Teledyne Scientific & Imaging † Small Business

8 FlowPAC: Government Funding  Air Force  AFOSR  ARO  ONR  Navy  DARPA  NSF  NASA-Glenn  NASA-Langley  Cal. Energy Comm  DoT  DoE  DoD Joint Technology Office 13 U.S. Government Funding Agencies

9 FlowPAC: Patents  Averaging ~ 5 patent applications/year  ~75% are joint patents with companies  New patents awarded in AY08: “DBD Plasma Actuator” Patent 7,380,756 B1 “Plasma Anemometer” Patent 7,275,013 B1

10 AY08 Highlights: White Field Lab Hessert Laboratory WHITE FIELD LABORATORY  10,000 sq-ft  Offices for 5  Conference Room  Model shop  3 Facilities: - Mach 0.6 Wind Tunnel - Transonic Compressor Facility - Transonic Turbine Facility

11 AY08 Highlights: Mach 0.6 Wind Tunnel 3’-sq x 9’ long test sections Large optical access Low turbulence Temperature controlled 1750 h.p. motor Variable r.p.m. a.c. 8’ diam., 2-stage fan 1000 ton-hr ice-storage chilled water cooling

12 AY08 Highlights: Compressor Facility 400 h.p. 15,000 r.p.m. Design tip-Mach: 1.1 Magnetic levitation rotor bearings Rotor optical access

13 AY08 Highlights: Turbine Facility 800 h.p. compressor 500 h.p motor Design 300 h.p. turbine Magnetic levitation rotor bearings High-loading rotor design

14 Gas Turbine Research Stall Detection and Control Turbine Blade Tip- casing Flow Control Plasma Sensors LPT Blade Flow Separation Control Aggressive Inter- turbine Duct Control “Flow Control Optimized Engine” IMPACT

15 Separation Control in LPT Cascade  PakB blade shape  Plasma actuator at x/C x =0.675  Simulates low Re effects on LPT at higher altitudes “Unsteady” F + =0.9 Actuated Blade 200% reduction in loss coeff. Reduced separation bubble

16 Tip Clearance Flow Control  LPT blade-tip flow control PSSS g/c x Casing Blade Baseline Flow “Plasma Tip”; g/c=2% 7% reduction in loss coeff. Surface Flow Visualization

17 Tip Clearance Flow Control  LPT casing flow control BaselineControl TG-vortex Loss Coeff. Surface Visualization 24% reduction in loss coeff.

18 Flow Vectoring Baseline Plasma Actuator Flow =x s /R xsxs Plasma actuator more effective in vectoring flow as radius decreases. Normalized vector angle Actuator Voltage Decreasing R IMPACT

19 Plasma Sensors  Suite of miniature, a.c.-driven “plasma sensors” to measure quantities that are important to gas-turbine engine performance, e.g. Shear Stress Pressure Temperature Gas Species Plasma Pressure Sensor Rotating stall Stall Onset Plasma compressor stall sensor

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