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An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications

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1 An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications

2 Chapter 1 - Learning Objectives
Understand the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC) Identify the components of the promotional mix Explain the IMC Planning Model

3 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
the intentional coordination of every communication from a firm to a target customer to convey a consistent and complete message

4 Promotional Mix Advertising Direct Marketing
Interactive/Internet Marketing Sales Promotion Publicity/Public Relations Personal Selling

5 IMC Planning Model Step 1 – Review marketing plan
Step 2 – Analysis of promotional program situation Step 3 – Analysis of communications process Step 4 – Budget determination Step 5 – Develop IMC program Step 6 – Integrate & implement communications strategies Step 7 – Monitor, evaluate & control IMCs program

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