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Inferring Internet Denial-of- Service Activity David Moore, Geoffrey M Voelker, Stefan Savage Presented by Yuemin Yu – CS290F – Winter 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Inferring Internet Denial-of- Service Activity David Moore, Geoffrey M Voelker, Stefan Savage Presented by Yuemin Yu – CS290F – Winter 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inferring Internet Denial-of- Service Activity David Moore, Geoffrey M Voelker, Stefan Savage Presented by Yuemin Yu – CS290F – Winter 2005

2 Outline Motivation Attack types Backscatter analysis Results Conclusion

3 Motivation “How to prevalent are DOS attacks today on the internet?” Nature of the current treats Longer term analyses of trends and recurring patterns of attacks Publish quantitative data about attacks

4 Attack Types Logic attacks  Exploit software vulnerabilities  Software patches Flooding attacks  Distributed DoS  Spoof source IP address randomly  Exhaust system resources

5 Backscatter Attacker uses randomly selected source IP address Victim reply to spoofed source IP Results in unsolicited response from victim to third party IP addresses

6 Backscatter

7 Backscatter Analysis m attack packets sent n distinct IP address monitored Expectation of observing an attack: R’ Actual rate of attack: R extrapolated attack rate

8 Analysis Assumptions Address uniformity  Spoof at random  Uniformly distributed Reliable delivery  Attack and backscatter traffic delivered reliably Backscatter hypothesis  Unsolicited packets observed represent backscatter

9 Attack classifications Flow-based  Based on target IP address and protocol  Fixed time frame (Within 5mins of most recent packet) Event-based  Based on target IP address only  Fixed time frame

10 Data collection /8 network 2^24 IP 1/256 of internet address space

11 Data collections Collect data extract following information  TCP flags  ICMP payload  Address uniformity  Port settings  DNS information  Routing information

12 Response/Used Protocols

13 Rate of attack

14 Victims by ports

15 Attack Duration Cumulative - Probability Cumulative probability density

16 Top level domain

17 Victims by Hostnames

18 Autonomous System

19 Repeated Attacks

20 Conclusion Observed 12,000 attacks against more than 5,000 distinct targets. Distributed over many different domains and ISP Small # long attacks with large % of attack volume An unexpected amount of attacks targeting home, foreign, specific ISP

21 Thanks Questions?

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