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Francesca Torricella, Vincenzo Levizzani and Miria Celano Satellite Meteorology Group ISAC-CNR Italy Applications of a rainfall estimation technique based.

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Presentation on theme: "Francesca Torricella, Vincenzo Levizzani and Miria Celano Satellite Meteorology Group ISAC-CNR Italy Applications of a rainfall estimation technique based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Francesca Torricella, Vincenzo Levizzani and Miria Celano Satellite Meteorology Group ISAC-CNR Italy Applications of a rainfall estimation technique based on PMW and IR satellite data: assessment of reliability of instantaneous rain rate maps in the Mediterranean

2 Major flood event occurred on 9-10 November 2001 over the Algerian coastal zone. Rainfall measured by rain gauges (GPCC daily data 1 x 1 degree spatial resolution) 65 mm day -1 from 15:00 UTC 9 November 47 mm day -1 next 24 hours Case study

3 Modis RGB composite 10 November 10:45 UTC



6 Update histograms on receipt of new data (PMW or IR) The Turk’s hybrid PMW-IR method Extract space and time coincident locations from IR and MW data Compute RR from PMW and and T b from IR Create statistical relationships RR-T b Assign RR at every IR pixel


8 The hybrid PMW-IR method: the information transfer Geostationary-based IR observation Non-equally spaced PMW observation How much and for how long is microphysical information from past microwave overpasses maintained? t0t0 t -1 t -2 t +1 etc. time “window”

9 The hybrid PMW – IR technique: geolocation of T B -RR relationships The RR values are depressed due to the smoothing process: i.e. the T B -RR relationships are averaged on 5 x 5 boxes regions to avoid discontinuities at box boundaries Global grid for geo-locating T B -RR relationships

10 Validation of rain rate fields produced by means of Turk’s technique Validation of an Operational Global Precipitation Analysis at Short Time Scales F. Joseph Turk, Elizabeth E. Ebert, Hyun- Jong Oh and Byung-Ju Sohn, Vincenzo Levizzani, Eric A. Smith, Ralph Ferraro Rain gauges-RU scatter plots for several time average intervals (1° spatial scale) Gauges from the AWS (Automated Weather Station) network of the KMA (Korean Meteorological Agency)

11 Validation of rain rate fields produced by means of Turk’s technique Gauge averaging time: 2 minutes window centred about the GMS observation time As expected all parameters improve as either the averaging period is increased or the grid size is coarsened! 0.5 2

12 09 November SSM/I rain map 19:19 [mm h -1 ]

13 09 November SSM/I rain map 19:58 [mm h -1 ]

14 TB-RR relationships for the 9 boxes (19:58)

15 35 RU slot 00:30 10 November rain maps mm h -1 TRRM/TMI #22741 RU slot 00:30 0

16 TRRM/TMI #22742RU slot 01:30 35 0 10 November rain maps mm h -1

17 10 November SSM/I rain map 19:05 [mm h -1 ]

18 10 November SSM/I rain map 19:43 [mm h -1 ]

19 35 0 TRRM/TMI #22757RU slot 01:00 11 November rain maps mm h -1

20 RU slot 06:30 SSM/I 06:32 RU slot 07:00 11 November

21  Better accounting for parallax effects  Ground validation  Insert the new GPROF v6 PMW algorithm  For event application reduce the grid size dimension (and avoid smoothing?) Open items…

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