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CS 441: Charles Durran Kelly.  What are Wireless Sensor Networks?  WSN Challenges  What is a Smartphone Sensor Network?  Why use such a network? 

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Presentation on theme: "CS 441: Charles Durran Kelly.  What are Wireless Sensor Networks?  WSN Challenges  What is a Smartphone Sensor Network?  Why use such a network? "— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 441: Charles Durran Kelly

2  What are Wireless Sensor Networks?  WSN Challenges  What is a Smartphone Sensor Network?  Why use such a network?  Applications  Current Challenges  Summary

3  A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location.

4  Power consumption constrains for nodes using batteries  Ability to cope with node failures  Mobility of nodes  Dynamic network topology  Communication failures  Scalability to large scale of deployment  Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions  Unattended operation

5  Challenge 1: Monitoring Mobile Human Subjects Requires a Large Quantity of Sensors  Challenge 2: Sensor Distribution and Maintenance is Time-consuming and Costly

6  Challenge 3: Limited Sensor Node Computing Capabilities Require Complex Low-level Software Optimization  Challenge 4: Sensor Network Data Communication Requires Complex Communication Protocols


8  Use of Smartphones for WSN ◦ Sensor capabilities ◦ Widespread usage ◦ Less energy constraints ◦ Connection to Cellular Networks/Internet ◦ Web service APIs ◦ End Users provide maintenance

9  Addressing Challenge 1 by Using End-user Smartphones to Monitor Mobile Human Populations  Addressing Challenge 2 by Relying on Smartphone Owners for Sensor Hardware Maintenance

10  Addressing Challenge 3 by Leveraging Powerful Smartphone Processors and High- level Programming APIs to Simplify Sensor Software Development  Further by Utilizing Web Services to Supplement Smartphone Visualization and Processing Capabilities

11  Addressing Challenge 4 by Relying on Multiple Networking Connections to Avoid Networking Complications


13  Mobile Payments  Building Access  Advanced-location Based Services  Ticketing

14  Issue 1: Use of Web Services Restricts Flexibility  Issue 2: Protecting Network Security, Privacy, and Data Integrity

15  Issue 3: Smartphones Have Responsibilities Other Than Powering the Sensor Network

16 ◦ Sensor capabilities ◦ Widespread usage ◦ Less energy constraints ◦ Connection to Cellular Networks/Internet ◦ End Users provide maintenance ◦ Application possibilities

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