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UNIT TWO The 4 Gospels. I. About The Gospels What are Gospels? 1. Gospel- means “good news”? Used to be news about the king. For us, it’s about God’s.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT TWO The 4 Gospels. I. About The Gospels What are Gospels? 1. Gospel- means “good news”? Used to be news about the king. For us, it’s about God’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT TWO The 4 Gospels

2 I. About The Gospels

3 What are Gospels? 1. Gospel- means “good news”? Used to be news about the king. For us, it’s about God’s kingdom. I. About Gospels A.

4 What are Gospels? 2. The 4 Gospels are sacred! They tell us the life story of Jesus. We stand when it is read. The priest kisses them in Mass. I. About Gospels A.

5 What are Gospels? 3. Gospels were written 40-70 years after Jesus died. Based on the stories and accounts of people of the early Church. I. About Gospels A.

6 The 4 Gospels 1. Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Originally unnamed We don’t know who wrote them. I. About Gospels B.

7 The 4 Gospels 2. Synoptic Gospels- Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Very similar From the same source? I. About Gospels B.

8 The 4 Gospels 3. Each was inspired by God and written with a different purpose. I. About Gospels B.

9 The 4 Gospels 4. Mark- Jesus does amazing and exciting things! I. About Gospels B.

10 The 4 Gospels 5. Matthew- Jesus is the promised Messiah we (the Jews) have been waiting for! I. About Gospels B.

11 The 4 Gospels 6. Luke- Jesus is compassionate, and came to save the whole world. I. About Gospels B.

12 The 4 Gospels 7. John- Get a deeper insight and a closer look at Jesus. I. About Gospels B.

13 II. Matthew Symbol Winged human (angel) What we know about the author A Jewish Christian scribe. When it was written 70-90 AD (50 years after Resurrection) Audience Jewish students and the Jewish people What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus was the Messiah for the Jewish people More about Jesus’ teachings and sayings Purpose Prove to the Jewish people that Jesus is their Messiah Other neat fact: Writes about “Kingdom of Heaven” instead of “Kingdom of God”

14 III. Mark Symbol Winged lion What we know about the author We think was a cousin of St. Barnabas, a friend and follower of Peter. When it was written AD 65-70 1 st Gospel Written Audience Gentile Christians What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus is the suffering Messiah who suffers greatly to save us. Purpose For people to understand the suffering of Jesus Other neat fact: Mark’s Gospel is the shortest of the four.

15 IV. Luke Symbol Winged ox What we know about the author A friend of Saint Paul, we think he was “beloved physician” When it was written AD 80-85 Audience Gentile Christians, especially the outcasts of the time What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus is compassionate, and came to save THE WHOLE WORLD, and not just the Jews. Purpose Share the good news to the Gentiles and outcasts. Other neat fact: It is the first of a two-volume work. Part 2 is Acts of the Apostles.

16 V. John Symbol Eagle What we know about the author Probably someone who knew John the Apostle. When it was written AD 90-100 The last Gospel written Audience The early Church, Gentile Christians What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus’ life and ministry. Uses a lot of poetic and literary language to explain Jesus. Purpose Show that Jesus is the savior and Messiah Other neat fact: Read on Good Friday and Easter Sunday at Mass.

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