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Rodney Piper Fender Madame Gasket Bigweld Ratchet Cappy.

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Presentation on theme: "Rodney Piper Fender Madame Gasket Bigweld Ratchet Cappy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rodney Piper Fender Madame Gasket Bigweld Ratchet Cappy

2 Major character The major character is the one appear in the story most often and is very important to the film

3 Minor character The minor charters are those characters in the film who are not as important and appear so frequently as the major character

4 What is a plot?? The plot is what happens or the series of events that occurs in a play. It is the action or series of events that makes up the play.

5 Discussion Can you tell me one of the plots in ROBOTS which impressed you the most. Why??

6 How the plots go?? 1.Exposition  an event begins the play, and characters and setting are introduced 2. Rising action  The characters face a conflict or problem and try to solve it 3. Climax  the action reaches a critical point. 4. Falling action  the conflict starts to resolve. (solution) 5. Resolution  the ending is explained, and the outcome is decided.

7 Some vocabulary in describing character of a person Brave Determination Thoughtful Open minded Clever Kind Easy coming Obedient Smart Warm

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