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1 Student Hands On Training I (2009) Boulder, Colorado June 10 – 13, 2009 Boulder, Colorado June 10 – 13, 2009 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Student Hands On Training I (2009) Boulder, Colorado June 10 – 13, 2009 Boulder, Colorado June 10 – 13, 2009 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Student Hands On Training I (2009) Boulder, Colorado June 10 – 13, 2009 Boulder, Colorado June 10 – 13, 2009 Welcome

2 - The Organizers Introductions:

3 - The Organizers Introductions:

4 - The Organizers Introductions:

5 1 4 444 4 4 Who’s Here: 4 4 5 4 44

6 - The Participants (You) -Why are you here? Introductions:

7 Student Hands On Training I (2009) Overview

8 8 Overview: - Goals - Agenda - Handbook - Announcements

9 The goals of the SHOT I Workshop are… 1. Give you the tools to start 2. Give you the confidence 3. Give you the experience 4. Have fun Goals:

10 10 Goals: - SHOT I was held in June 2003

11 11 Goals: - SHOT II was held in June 2004 (Different than SHOT I)

12 Goals: - SHOT I (2005)

13 Goals: - SHOT II (2006)

14 Goals: - SHOT I (2007)

15 Goals: - SHOT II (2008)

16 Goals:

17 - Workshop is ~70% hands-on Goals:






23 - Launch, for most, the highlight of the workshop - Early morning in eastern Colorado - Launch, for most, the highlight of the workshop - Early morning in eastern Colorado

24 Goals: Did we really go to space?

25 Goals:



28 SHOT I Overview:


30 This Year:

31 - Decided to revamp the workshop with a more challenging kit - The changes from SHOT 2007 and SHOT 2009 are significant - There is some risk that all may not work but the rewards are could be substantial

32 SHOT 2007:

33 SHOT 2009:

34 34 Agenda: (Wednesday)

35 35 Agenda: (Thursday)

36 36 Agenda: (Thursday)

37 37 Agenda: (Friday)

38 38 Agenda: (Friday)

39 39 Agenda:

40 40 Agenda:

41 Handbook: - Contains 90% of materials - Disc contains everything - You will use it throughout the workshop - Please don’t lose it, we don’t have any extra’s

42 42 Announcements: - Hotel OK? Problems, let me know ASAP - Anyone not staying at Outlook? - Anyone have a flight before 4:00 PM on Saturday? - Transportation on Saturday - Tables and this room - Special needs?

43 Student Hands On Training I (2009) Questions?

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