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CrowdFlow Integrating Machine Learning with Mechanical Turk for Speed-Cost-Quality Flexibility Alex Quinn, Ben Bederson, Tom Yeh, Jimmy Lin.

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Presentation on theme: "CrowdFlow Integrating Machine Learning with Mechanical Turk for Speed-Cost-Quality Flexibility Alex Quinn, Ben Bederson, Tom Yeh, Jimmy Lin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CrowdFlow Integrating Machine Learning with Mechanical Turk for Speed-Cost-Quality Flexibility Alex Quinn, Ben Bederson, Tom Yeh, Jimmy Lin

2 Human Computation Things HUMANS can do Things COMPUTERS can do Translation Photo tagging Face recognition Human detection Speech recognition Text analysis Planning

3 Human Computation Things HUMANS can do Things COMPUTERS can do Translation Photo tagging Face recognition Speech recognition Human detection Text analysis Planning

4 Example: Human detection

5 Trade-off space Quality Speed, Affordability Computers Human Workers (traditional) Human Computation

6 Trade-off space Quality Speed, Affordability Computers Human Computation Human Workers (traditional)

7 Man-Computer Symbiosis Automation with human post-correction Supervised machine learning humans computer speed cost quality computer humans speed cost quality

8 Man-Computer Symbiosis CrowdFlow Automation with human post-correction Supervised machine learning humans computer speed cost quality humans computer speed cost quality computer humans speed cost quality

9 Mechanical Turk

10 Human Detection – Starting point

11 Human Detection – Task

12 Human Detection – Results Quality Speed, Affordability 60%90% 119 images took 3 hrs 50 mins and cost $2.38

13 Human Detection – Scenarios Quality Speed, Affordability 60%90% 1000 photos at 72% accuracy would take 12 hrs 20 mins and cost $8.00 119 images took 3 hrs 50 mins and cost $2.38

14 Vision: Richer model Input with computer results Validator Appraiser Fixer Worker Correct Incorrect Fix Start over Output

15 Lessons Learned  Design for overall needs/constraints  Practical advice: Pay consistently and reasonably Reject only work that is definitely cheating Build in fair cheating deterrence from the start Keep instructions short, but always clear Contact: Alex Quinn

16 Cheating  Earlier naïve experiment: 2000 reviews classified by 3 Turkers each 91% of work was cheated by 9 bad Turkers

17 Cheating Deterrence  Mix in task instances with known answers  Keep track of each worker’s accuracy  Warning after 10 HITs of <70% accuracy  Block after 20 HITs of <70% accuracy  Thresholds are problem-specific  Other mechanisms Approve payment only after inspection Filter workers based on approval record

18 Ideal Pricing  Pay proportional to Turker effort  Choose a reasonable hourly rate  Example: Confirming correct answer: 10 seconds Fixing an incorrect answer: 60 seconds Answering from scratch: 50 seconds If machine < 80%, bypass machine results  Need to adjust for human accuracy!

19 Sentiment Polarity – Example 1 “Skim each movie review and decide whether it is positive or negative....” ○ positive ○ negative

20 Sentiment Polarity – Results  1083 movie reviews grouped into 361 HITs  Cost: $54.35 1.7¢ per movie review (5¢ per HIT)  Time: 8 hours 7 minutes 27 seconds per movie review  Human accuracy: 90%  Machine accuracy: 83.5%

21 Sentiment Polarity – Scenarios  Given: 100,000 movie reviews Cost constraint: $1000  Expect: Humans do 66,714; machines do the rest 78% combined accuracy 18 days, 17 hours, 40 minutes

22 Review: Monotrans Quality Affordability Machine Translation Machine Translation Professional Bilingual Human Participation Amateur Bilingual Human Participation Monolingual Human Participation Monolingual Human Participation

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