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Interim National Preparedness Goal

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Presentation on theme: "Interim National Preparedness Goal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interim National Preparedness Goal
Update Brief for Emergency Management Higher Education Conference June 9, 2005 Talking Points This presentation will cover the subject of national preparedness, Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8, the Interim National Preparedness Goal, and the National Preparedness Guidance. Throughout this presentation, reference will be made to number of key documents that are available on the web as well as on secure government websites. I will provide the addresses for these sites at the end of this presentation.

2 What is the National Preparedness Goal?
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8 (HSPD-8) on National Preparedness calls for a domestic all-hazards preparedness goal that establishes: Measurable readiness priorities and targets Standards for preparedness assessments and strategies A system for assessing the Nation’s overall level of preparedness The purpose of the National Preparedness Goal is to focus efforts to establish a unified, risk-based, national approach to prepare for major events – or Incidents of National Significance The Interim Goal was published on March 31; a Final Goal, with target levels of capability, will be released in October 2005 Talking Points Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8: National Preparedness tasked the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the heads of other appropriate Federal departments and agencies and in consultation with State, local, and tribal governments, to develop a national domestic all-hazards preparedness goal. The Goal provides for common understanding of national preparedness; it fulfills the need for a unified approach to preparedness. The Goal is comprised of : A vision – (where we want to go) The Target Capabilities List (TCL) – (what level we want to achieve) National Priorities – (how we want to sequence our activities) The Goal enables us to define where we are headed in national preparedness, to measure our progress towards achieving our goal, and to set priorities accordingly. In other words, the Goal enables us to answer three fundamental questions: how prepared do we need to be, how prepared are we, and how do we prioritize efforts to close the gap?

3 Benefits for the Nation
An opportunity for all stakeholders to help shape the system A consistent process for prioritizing needs and allocating resources based on risk – that we can use to consolidate and streamline the existing processes Better answers to the fundamental questions: “How prepared do we need to be?” “How prepared are we?” “How do we prioritize efforts to close the gap?” Talking Points There are substantial uncertainties about how prior preparations will translate into actual performance. A key outcome of national preparedness is a reduction in the uncertainties of response…through a national system of preparedness involving training and exercises against a common set of tasks and capabilities and associated standards and performance outcomes. Should a WMD event occur, a reduction in uncertainty will translate into less loss of life, averted economic damages, and a speedier recovery None of us individually have the time, money, or staff to effectively respond to major events. Through the national preparedness system, we can pool our resources, train and exercise with our neighbors, and build the command, control, communication, and coordination infrastructure – at the regional level – to ensure we are ready the next time someone chooses to attack our Nation A nation prepared is a powerful deterrent to those wishing us harm

4 National Preparedness Goal in Context
Talking Points HSPD-8 is a companion document to HSPD-5. HSPD-5 required the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to coordinate with other Federal departments and agencies and State, local, and tribal governments to establish a National Response Plan (NRP) and National Incident Management System (NIMS). Just as the National Response Plan provides for a common understanding of roles and responsibilities in an operational environment, the National Preparedness Goal provides for a common understanding of preparedness needs and requirements. The NRP defines what needs to be done to manage a major incident, the NIMS defines how it needs to be done, and the Goal defines how well it needs to be done. The Goal provides for the development of a National Preparedness System to help the Nation develop and maintain the capabilities to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from major incidents as described in the NRP and NIMS. This system must closely support operational needs

5 The Vision To engage Federal, State, local, and tribal entities, their private and non-governmental partners, and the general public to achieve and sustain risk-based target levels of capability to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from major events in order to minimize the impact on lives, property, and the economy. Talking Points This is the end-state that we are trying to reach The vision involves: All of us (all stakeholders) collectively engaged Achieving and sustaining Risk-based target levels of capability Across all mission areas To minimize the impact on lives, property, and the economy The vision provides the over-arching and driving thrust for our collective efforts

6 Capabilities-Based Planning
Scenarios The National Planning Scenarios highlight the scope, magnitude, and complexity of plausible catastrophic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies Tasks The Universal Task List (UTL) provides a menu of tasks from all sources that may be performed in major events such as those illustrated by the National Planning Scenarios Capabilities The Target Capabilities List (TCL) provides guidance on specific capabilities and levels of capability that Federal, State, local, and tribal entities will be expected to develop and maintain 15 Scenarios Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive, Food and Agricultural, and Cyber Terrorism Natural Disasters Pandemic Influenza Prevention Protection Response Recovery 36 Capability Summaries Description, Outcome, ESF/Annex, Associated Critical Tasks, Measures, Capability Elements, Linked Capabilities, Event Conditions, References Tailored to levels of government based on assigned roles and responsibilities Tailored to Tiers or groups of jurisdictions based on risk factors Talking Points What do we need to define risk-based target-levels of capability? Capabilities-Based Planning (CBP) defines our preparedness in terms of capabilities – desired outcomes that we all must work together toachieve. CBP is an iterative cycle of activities accomplished through national participation in 3 stages, involving 10-steps: A national effort to define readiness targets for the Nation; Individual efforts to determine where each level of government and each group of jurisdictions organized by Tier across the country stands against those national targets, and A national effort to assess preparedness, set national priorities, target resources to the greatest gaps in national preparedness, and also compile inform the president annually on the status of the nation’s preparedness. Supporting the CBP process are several tools – National Planning Scenarios, a Universal Task List, and a Target Capabilities List These tools provide a common reference library for homeland security missions. This collection of tools will help us – all of us – know where we need to be, where we stand, how we should prioritize efforts to address gaps

7 The Target Capabilities List
Common Planning Interoperable Communications Prevent Mission Area Information Collection and Threat Detection Intelligence Fusion and Analysis Information Sharing and Collaboration Terrorism Investigation and Apprehension CBRNE Detection Protect Mission Area Risk Analysis Critical Infrastructure Protection Food and Agriculture Safety and Defense Public Health Epidemiological Investigation and Testing Citizen Preparedness and Participation Respond Mission Area On-Site Incident Management Emergency Operations Center Management Critical Resource Logistics and Distribution Volunteer Management and Donations Worker Health and Safety Public Safety and Security Response Respond Mission Area (cont) Firefighting Operations/Support WMD/Hazardous Material Response and Decontamination Explosive Device Response Operations Animal Health Emergency Support Environmental Health and Vector Control Citizen Protection: Evacuation and/or In-Place Protection Isolation and Quarantine Search and Rescue Emergency Public Information and Warning Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment Medical Surge Medical Supplies Management and Distribution Mass Prophylaxis Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) Fatality Management Recover Mission Area Structural Damage Assessment and Mitigation Restoration of Lifelines Economic and Community Recovery Talking Points 36 Target Capabilities have been identified for version 2.1 of the Target Capabilities List. Target Capabilities provide the means to achieve a measurable outcome resulting from performance of one or more of the critical tasks. As with the UTL, no single jurisdiction or agency is expected to have sufficient levels of every capability needed for a major event. The Interim National Goal establishes seven National Priorities, which will be discussed later in this presentation. Four of the priorities are “capability-specific.” The starred capabilities are linked to the four capability-specific priorities. For FY05, jurisdictions should initially focus on assessing the capabilities that have been established as a National Priority. For FY06, jurisdictions should prioritize resources towards these seven target capabilities. This version of the TCL is strong in the area of response, but much work needs to be done to expand in the areas of prevention and recovery.

8 Needs = Elements of Capability
Personnel Paid and volunteer staff who meet relevant qualification and certification standards necessary to perform assigned missions and tasks. Planning Collection and analysis of intelligence and information, and development of policies, plans, procedures, mutual aid agreements, strategies, and other publications that comply with relevant laws, regulations, and guidance necessary to perform assigned missions and tasks. Organization and Leadership Individual teams, an overall organizational structure, and leadership at each level in the structure that comply with relevant laws, regulations, and guidance Equipment and Systems Major items of equipment, supplies, facilities, and systems that comply with relevant standards necessary to perform assigned missions and tasks. Training Content and methods of delivery that comply with relevant training standards Exercises, Evaluations, and Corrective Actions Exercises, self-assessments, peer-assessments, outside review, compliance monitoring, and actual major events that provide opportunities to demonstrate, evaluate, and improve the combined capability and interoperability of the other elements to perform assigned missions and tasks to standards necessary to achieve successful outcomes. NOTE: Elements of capability are consistent with NIMS Talking Points When we look at building a particular capability, this is what we resource and build. A capability is simply a combination of elements to achieve a desired outcome. A capability may be delivered during an emergency with any combination of elements that achieves the required outcome, namely properly planned, organized, equipped, trained, and exercised personnel Each element must be consistent with national standards that comply with NIMS. This chart is taken from the Goal and it provides definitions for the elements of capability This are the areas that will allow us to know what specifically is needed | and how to make tradeoffs among options for meeting capability gaps

9 Target Capabilities List Development
DHS held the National Capabilities Workshop I June 2-3 to begin the process of setting target levels of capability Attended by representatives from Federal agencies, States, and key national associations 17 workgroups were established to refine the 36 capabilities over the next two months; these workgroups will: Define national target level Develop strategies for applying the capability requirements to a large-scale incident Apportion responsibility for building and maintaining capabilities The National Capabilities Workshop II will be held in August; target levels of capability will be set by DHS in October 2005 Talking Points Workgroups will complete Capability Refinement Worksheets and submit by July 20 Worksheets will be reviewed and incorporated at the second Capabilities Workshop If you would like to participate, contact Pat Malak’s staff at

10 National Priorities Overarching Priorities
Implement the NIMS and NRP Expand Regional Collaboration Implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan Capability-Specific Priorities Strengthen Information Sharing and Collaboration Capabilities Strengthen Interoperable Communications Capabilities Strengthen CBRNE Detection, Response, and Decontamination Capabilities Strengthen Medical Surge and Mass Prophylaxis Capabilities Talking Points The Nation cannot immediately achieve all of the target capabilities identified for the Interim Goal. Accordingly, the Interim Goal provides National Priorities to guide the Nation’s preparedness efforts to meet the most urgent needs. None of the National Priorities should come as a surprise. The priorities have been identified based on their relevance to national strategic objectives and their utility in terms of high payoff contributions to national readiness. The priorities fall into two categories: Overarching priorities that contribute to the development of multiple capabilities; and Capability-specific priorities that build selected capabilities from the TCL for which the Nation has the greatest need. By concentrating on the development of target capabilities linked to the National Priorities, government entities will be able to manage risk through a prioritization of efforts aimed at building capabilities that are most urgently needed.

11 National Preparedness Guidance
DHS developed the Guidance with input from Federal, State, local, tribal, private sector, and non-governmental entities The Guidance supplements – not supplants – other Federal guidance The Guidance describes: The 10-step national process for Capabilities-Based Planning, to define and achieve target levels of capability and assess preparedness from the local to the national level Existing program efforts that support the seven national priorities and linked capabilities from the Target Capabilities List (TCL) A schedule of activities to update State and Urban Area preparedness assessments and strategies – with Federal assistance National Preparedness Guidance was distributed in April 2005 and is available at Talking Points We have to find a way to manage all of these requirements and initiatives. National Preparedness Guidance describes current and forthcoming activities related to implementation of the National Preparedness Goal.1 The Guidance aids DHS and other Federal agencies in aligning their resources and requirements, serves as a tactical document to assist all entities in implementing the National Preparedness Goal; and offers tools and instructions to help States update their strategies and assessments. The Guidance will help entities move to a capabilities-based planning approach to preparedness.

12 Next Steps The Department of Homeland Security will dispatch HSPD-8 Mobile Implementation Training Teams to visit Governors and other senior officials throughout the Summer Information, guidance, and technical assistance will be available through appropriate grant programs Target capability levels and a Final National Preparedness Goal will be released in October 2005 States and Urban Areas will update and submit State and Urban Area homeland security strategies by September 30, 2005 Talking Points Throughout the Summer and Fall DHS will engage in an aggressive outreach campaign aimed at orienting stakeholders to the Goal and Capabilities-Based Planning. The Office for Domestic Preparedness will provide technical assistance, information bulletins, and other means of communication to assist grant recipients in meeting requirements for FY05 and FY06. A final Goal with target levels of capability will be released in the Fall.

13 Where To Go For More Information
HSPD-8 information page on the web: ODP Secure Portal: Lessons Learned Information Sharing system Questions and Feedback On UTL and TCL: Other HSPD-8 issues: Talking Points In conclusion, HSPD-8 has dramatically transformed the way the Nation prepares to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recovers from major events. The work completed thus far would not have been possible if not for the efforts of our State and local stakeholders. As DHS moves forward in developing the UTL and TCL, we will continue to make every effort to include our stakeholders throughout every step of the process and to incorporate the feedback, comments, and suggestions into the final documents. I encourage you to use LLIS, the ODP Secure Portal, and the HSPD-8 information webpage as a method to keep up-to-date on the most recent drafts of the documents and as a way to provide feedback to us.


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