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BIOS E-127 – 08.09.22 Prior theme music: “Evolutionary speculation.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOS E-127 – 08.09.22 Prior theme music: “Evolutionary speculation."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOS E-127 – 08.09.22 Prior theme music: “Evolutionary speculation constitutes a kind of metascience, which has the same intellectual fascination for some biologists that metaphysical speculation possessed for some mediaeval scholastics. It can be considered a relatively harmless habit, like eating peanuts, unless it assumes the form of an obsession; then it becomes a vice” (Stanier, 1970)

2 Mutations are random Luria & Delbrück experiment (1943)

3 Mutations are random Joshua & Esther Lederberg (1952)

4 What is adaptation? Noun vs. verb (vs. acclimation) Noun: “…[A] feature is an adaptation for some function if it has become prevalent or is maintained in a population… because of natural selection for that function” (Futuyma, p.355) “… the good fit of organisms to their environment” (Gould & Lewontin, 1979)

5 How study adaptations? A. B. vs.

6 How study adaptations?

7 Linnaean classification Two major characteristics KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassMammalia OrderPrimates FamilyHominidae Genus Homo Speciessapiens

8 Tree of Life: primary divisions


10 Tree of Life: three “domains” Based on 16S rRNA (Woese, 1987):

11 Tree of Life: three “domains” Based on 16S rRNA (Pace, 1997):

12 Tree basics: meaning

13 Tree basics: rotation

14 Tree basics: shape

15 Tree basics: lengths, unrooted cladograms vs. phylograms

16 Tree basics: character change

17 Key phylogenetic terms


19 Monday (9/29): Phylogeny and horizontal gene transfer p.s.- No office hours from 4-5 pm this week.

20 Upcoming talks in microbial evolution… Tuesday, 9/23 Uri Alon (Weizmann Institute of Science) “Design principles of bacterial gene circuits" HMS Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Seminar Series Warren Alpert, Room 341 (Longwood) 12:30 pm Wednesday, 9/24 Marx & Girguis labs open house 6:30 – 8 pm, 3081 Biolabs All are welcome to come enjoy a beer and snacks and learn about work in our labs…


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