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Speak with Sincerity.

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Presentation on theme: "Speak with Sincerity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speak with Sincerity

2 Objectives To convince the audience of your earnestness, sincerity, and conviction on a subject you thoroughly understand. To confront and control any nervousness you may have. Time: five to seven minutes.

3 Content of the Speech Talk about a subject on which you feel strongly.
Choose a subject of interest about which you have definite convictions. Be sure to have a definite point of view. Prepare a protest, appeal, or call for action that promotes your viewpoint.

4 Speech Outlines Opening: your first sentence should wake the audience up and make them want to listen. Body: identify the source of your concern, show how the problem can be solved, and build listeners’ understanding of and sympathy toward your position. Conclusion: leave the audience ready to support you in your convictions.

5 Speech Outlines Something is wrong. State what it is.
Why is this wrong? Who is to blame? What harm is done? How can this wrong be corrected? Make definite recommendations for changing things for the better. What should we do? Tell your listeners exactly what you want them to do, think, or feel. Let your enthusiasm peak, and show them sincerity.

6 Speak Without Notes You should try to speak without using any notes since this is a speech to convey sincerity. If you have to use cards, write a single viewpoint on a single card. Take a very quick glance in each transition period.

7 Presenting Your Talk At this time, you should have some experience to overcome nervousness. In this speech, you should apply those skills. Try to add enthusiasm to your talk. When you do that, your audience will follow you and you will forget your nervousness.

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