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Multiwavelength aerosol lidar and vertical-wind lidar observations during COPS Dietrich Althausen, Detlef Müller, Ronny Engelmann, Matthias Tesche, Patric.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiwavelength aerosol lidar and vertical-wind lidar observations during COPS Dietrich Althausen, Detlef Müller, Ronny Engelmann, Matthias Tesche, Patric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiwavelength aerosol lidar and vertical-wind lidar observations during COPS Dietrich Althausen, Detlef Müller, Ronny Engelmann, Matthias Tesche, Patric Seifert, Julia Fruntke, Christina Herold, Luise Hentschel, (Albert Ansmann) Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany

2 Aerosol and vertical–velocity profiling and cloud glaciation observations during COPS Applicant: Albert Ansmann Contribution to ACM and SPP 1167 (2 year period) Aerosol characterization Obtaining geometrical, optical, and microphysical properties of aerosols and clouds  Derivation of microphysical properties such as aerosol number concentration Vertical Wind in the upper PBL (at cloud base) Studies of heterogeneous ice formation Investigating the effect of aerosol particles and meteorological conditions on cloud glaciation  Many Saharan dust cases and forest fire cases observed DFG proposal

3 3 months of data, 400-500 hours Backscatter Extinction lidar-Ratio Temperature Humditiy profiling Apparatus Wind Lidar

4 INDOEX, Maldives 1999-2000 SAMUM I, Morocco, May-Jun 2006 COPS, Black F., Jun-Aug 2007 SAMUM II, Cape Verde, Jan/Feb+May/Jun 2008 6 x beta 2 x sigma

5 Inversion algorithm Input: –6 backscatter coefficients –2 extinction coefficients Output: –volume size distribution –effective radius –total volume concentration –total surface-area concentration –mean complex refractive index –single-scattering albedo COPS: β(532nm) ~ n (particle number conc.)

6 VALIDATION OF INVERSION RESULTS WITH AIRBORNE IN-SITU MEASUREMENTS COPS: we may only get the order of magnitude of the particle number conc. (100 cm-3, 1000 cm-3, 10000 cm-3) DLR Falcon

7 Aerosol type: finger prints Aerosol type Lidar ratio (sr) Depol. ratio (%) Maritime S 355 =S 532 (low) <5% (low) Urban S 355 >=S 532 (high) <5% (low) Forest fire smoke S 355 <S 532 (high) <10-15% (med) Desert Dust S 355 >=S 532 (high) 25-35% (high) 355 nm versus 532 nm

8 COPS: Some measurement examples

9 PBL+CU Vertical wind

10 P B L d e v e l o p m e n t in terms of vertical wind profile of horiz. wind speed and direction

11 Deep cumulus tower Spectacular event

12 Heterogenous ice formation melting layer uncalibrated depol. ratio (710nm)

13 AC ICE terminal velocities CI Bertha + Wili

14 Topic 1 Topic 2 PBL heterog. ice form.

15 Influence of Saharan dust and biomass burning smoke on cloud glaciation over the northern tropical Atlantic Ocean (Cape Verde) during SAMUM II Published February 2008 SAMUM II: 15 Jan – 14 Feb 2008, Praia, Cabo Verde (15 o N, 23.5 o W) Our work on heterogenous ice formation …upcoming

16 Next future (beginning in March 2008): Diploma student working on WiLi data (wind fields) Diploma student working on Raman lidar data (water vapor and temperature)

17 BERTHA, Heselbach, 532nm backscatter signal PBL, sunny day dust

18 BERTHA, water vapor Raman lidar, Heselbach SONDE LIDAR, 20 min, 60m smoothingLIDAR, 1 min, 240 m smoothing LIDAR 532 nm backscatter signal g/kg

19 COPS: Bertha (Raman lidar) water vapor nighttime, 1 min res., 60 m height res.

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