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Outline Why distributed computing? Atomic Broadcast The atom system Relevance for e-textiles What’s next? Q&A.

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2 Outline Why distributed computing? Atomic Broadcast The atom system Relevance for e-textiles What’s next? Q&A

3 Why Distributed Computing? Spread and balance the computational weight of applications Solve bigger problems Deal with problems locally instead of centralizing all the data

4 Example Space filtering vs. raw consensus –Acoustic Beam Forming: master collects information from slaves and decides according to the relevance of data –Consensus: no master, all processes decide upon one common value

5 Atomic Broadcast: Definition (1) Atomic Broadcast = the same set of messages is delivered by all the processes in the same order Consensus = all processes decide upon one common value among those proposed

6 Atomic Broadcast: Definition (2) Validity: If a correct process broadcasts a message m it will eventually receive it Uniform agreement: If a process delivers a message m then every correct process will deliver it Uniform integrity: Every message m is delivered at most once and only if it was reliably broadcasted by sender(m) Total order: If 2 correct processes p and q deliver 2 messages m and m’ then p delivers m before m’ iff q delivers m before m’

7 Atomic Broadcast: Bad News Impossibly to achieve in a totally asynchronous system [Fisher, Lynch, Patterson 85]

8 Atomic Broadcast: Good News Can be done using unreliable failure detectors Based on a Consensus algorithm described in [Chandra, Toueg 96]

9 Atom Open source Atomic Broadcast system

10 Atom One_run do_decide do_Consensus AB task 2 AB task 3 AB task1 RB FD trust FD suspect R-broadcast Producer Consumer A-deliver A-broadcast start cancel

11 Relevance to E-textiles Synchronization of data Coordination of decisions and actions Light-weight process Buffer sizes can be predicted

12 What’s Next? Scalability is a problem for classic fault- tolerant distributed algorithms Bimodal Multicast [Ken Birman, Mark Hayden, Oznur Ozkasap, Zhen Xiao, Mihai Budiu, Yaron Minsky – 1998] –Gossip protocol –Relaxes the “strong” reliability guarantees replacing them with probabilistic guarantees –Converges to “strong” reliability in the absence of failures –Scalable with steady throughput

13 Questions …

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