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1 Lecture 3 Bit Operations Floating Point – 32 bits or 64 bits 1.

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1 1 Lecture 3 Bit Operations Floating Point – 32 bits or 64 bits 1

2 DCO 2 Bit Operations AND & OR | ONE'S COMPLEMENT ~ EXCLUSIVE OR ^ SHIFT (right) >> SHIFT (left) <<

3 DCO 3 Operation - examples AND 1 & 1 = 1; 1& 0 = 0 OR 1 |1 = 1; 1| 0 = 1; 0|0 = 0 ~ 0 =~1; 1 =~0; ^ 0^ 0 = 0; 1^1 = 0; 1^0 =1; 0^1 = 1 >> 0x010 = 0x001 <<1 >1

4 DCO 4 AND Example 1111 0010 (0xf2) 1111 1110 (0xfe) ---------------- (and) & 1111 0010 (0xf2) char c = 0xf2; char d = 0xfe; Char e = c & d; //e is 0xf2

5 DCO 5 OR Example 1111 0010 (0xf2) 1111 1110 (0xfe) --------------(or) | 1111 1110 (0xfe) char c = 0xf2; char d = 0xfe; char e = c | d; //e is 0xfe

6 DCO 6 One’s complement 1111 0010 (0xf2) -------------- ~ 0000 1101 (0x0d) char c = 0xf2; char e = ~c; //e is 0x0d

7 DCO 7 EXCLUSIVE OR 1111 0010 (0xf2) 1111 1110 (0xfe) -------------- (^) 0000 1100 (0x0c) char c = 0xf2; char d = 0xfe; char e = c ^ d; //e is 0x0c

8 DCO 8 SHIFT >> 1 - (right) by one bit 1111 0010 (0xf2) >> 1 (shift right by one bit) --------------------- 0111 10001 (0x79) char c = 0xf2; char e = c >>1; //e is 0x79

9 DCO 9 SHIFT >> 2 - by two bits 1111 0010 (0xf2) >> 2 (shift right by one bit) --------------------- 0011 1100 (0x3c) char c = 0xf2; char e = c >>2; //e is 0x3c

10 DCO 10 SHIFT << 1 - (left) by one bit 1111 0010 (0xf2) << 1 (shift right by one bit) --------------------- 1110 0100 (0xe4) char c = 0xf2; char e = c <<1; //e is 0xe4

11 DCO 11 SHIFT << 2 - by two bits 1111 0010 (0xf2) >> 2 (shift right by one bit) --------------------- 1100 1000 (0xc8) char c = 0xf2; char e = c <<2; //e is 0xc8

12 DCO 12 Results or bit operation (example) ( 1 | 2) == 3 (1 | 3) == 3 (1 & 2) == 0 (1 & 3) == 1 (2 & 3) == 2 (0 ^ 3) == 3 (1 ^ 3) == 2 (2 ^ 3) == 1 (3 ^ 3) == 0 ~0 == -1 (signed) or 255 (unsigned). ~23 == -24 (signed) or 232 (unsigned).

13 DCO 13 Integer Formats, Signs, and Precision Overflow

14 DCO 14 Data representation 150 (decimal) is 128(2^7) + 16(2^4) + 4(2^2) + 2(2^1). We can rewrite this as: 1*128 + 0*64 + 0*32 + 1*16 + 0*8 + 1*4 + 1*2 + 0*1 or 1001 0110 (in hex), In 8 bits, for 32 bits, 2^32

15 DCO 15 Format In C, the size of integer types (short, int, long, etc.) is implementation dependent, but on most machines: chars are 8 bits ints and longs are 32 bits shorts are 16 bits

16 DCO 16 One’s complement & two’s complement 1001 0010 //original data 0110 1101 //reverse 1 to 0, 0 to 1 One’s complement 0110 1101 + 0000 0001 (add one to one’s complement) 0110 1110 Two’s complement

17 DCO 17 Application of twos’ complement 1100 0011 – 0011 0001 -0011 0001 can be converted into two’s complement The operation becomes addition instead of subtraction Two’s complement –0011 0001 is 1100 1111 1100 0011 – 0011 0001 is 1100 0011 + 1100 1111 =0001 0010 Convert “-” to “+”

18 DCO 18 Signed integer of 100 Negative sign is represented by 1 (most significant bit) 100 (decimal) 0x0064 (hex) 0000 0000 0110 0100 positive -100 (decimal) 0xff9c (hex) 1111 1111 1001 1100 negative

19 DCO 19 Example of – 101 (decimal) 101 (decimal ) is 0x0065 (hex) 0000 0000 0110 0101 ( 32 bits integer) -101 is two’s complement 0xff9b Convert 0 to 1, 1 to 0 and then add 1 0000 0000 0110 0101 (101 in decimal) 1111 1111 1001 1010 (convert 1 to 0 and 0 to 1) 1111 1111 1001 1011 (add 1, result)

20 DCO 20 Left & right Shift 101 (dec) is 0x0065 (hex) Shift right by one bit >>1 0000 0000 0110 0101 (101 dec) >> 1 (shift left) 0000 0000 0011 0010 (50 dec), not 50.5

21 DCO 21 Overflow When integers are too big to fit into a word, overflow occurs. 16-bit unsigned integer, the largest is 32767 If you add 32767 + 1 (dec), it produces 0 1111 1111 1111 1111 (binary) + 0000 0000 0000 0001 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 (overflow)

22 DCO 22 Floating Fixed-Point Representations – 32.45 Floating-Point Representations such as 32.45, 3.245 x 10, 0.3245 x 100 Normalization and Hidden Bits IEEE Floating Point Details

23 DCO 23 Fixed-Point Representations Such as 123.45 1234.78 The decimal point is fixed

24 DCO 24 Floating point A floating-point number is really two numbers packed into one string of bits. One of the numbers is simply a fixed-point binary number, which is called the mantissa. The other number acts to shift the binary point left or right to keep the mantissa in a useful range. This number is called the exponent.

25 DCO 25 Example of Floating 1.234 78.945 12.56 4.5 E 10 4.5 x 10^4

26 DCO 26 Expression 1 bit sign bit, 8 bit exponent, and 23 bit Mantissa (total 32 bits) -1^Sign * 2^(Exponent - 127) * (1 + Mantissa * 2^-23) Zero, sign bit is 0, Negative, sign bit is 1 Exponent is unsigned, minus 127. That is if the value is 128, it means 128 – 127 = 1, if the value is 256, it means 256 – 127 = 128, or the value is zero, it means 0 – 127 = -127.

27 DCO 27 Example

28 DCO 28 Expression - Mantissa Mantissa is unsigned bit, the expression is 1 + Mantissa * 2^( -23) If Mantissa is zero, the expression becomes 1 + 0 * 2^(-23) = 1 If Mantissa is 2^23, the expression becomes 1 + 2^23 * 2 ^(-23) = 1 + 1 = 2 It ranges from 1 to 2

29 DCO 29 Example 2.5 (floating point) 0100 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Sign: positive (1) Exponent : 1000 0000 : 128 (128 – 127 = 1) Mantissa: 1. 010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000, 1.25 Result 1 x 1.25 x 2^1 = 2.5

30 DCO 30 Example Determine the values of 1011 1101 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Sign = 1, negative Exponent = 122 so exponent = -5 (122 – 127) Mantissa: 100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 1.1 So result – 1 x 1.1 x 2^(-5) 2 = -0.046875 10 (decimal)

31 DCO 31 Two representation of Zero When the sign bit is zero, positive, exponent is zero and Mantissa is zero When the sign bit is 1, negative, exponent is zero and Mantissa is zero In short, there are two formats of ZERO

32 DCO 32 IEEE Double Precision – 64 bits 64 bits with 11 exponent bits 52 mantissa bits Plus one bit sign bit C++ uses 32 bits (4 bytes) instead of 64 bits

33 DCO 33 Summary Bit operation, &, |, ~, >> or << Representation of data, int, short, long Floating point – sign, magnitude, mantissa for example, -3.4 x10^4 - (negative), 3.5 (mantissa), 4 magnitude 0x00341256 can be an integer, floating point, or a statement. That is why we need to define int i; Char a;

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