Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, Ph.D. WS II. - Guidance in Lifelong Learning from strategies to practice. Career guidance without barriers.

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1 Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, Ph.D. WS II. - Guidance in Lifelong Learning from strategies to practice. Career guidance without barriers

2 Dr. Borbély-Pecze Tibor Bors borbelytibor@lab.hu What is Lifelong Guidance (LLG) ? a railway line jointly with LLL LLG is a switch

3 Where we got started? – Career Guidance is a standalone profession also a system and a policy There is a significant history of science background to the development of career guidance as a profession; the development of philosophy, psychology, economics, sociology and medicine facilitated the scientific establishment of a practical activity. The development of these areas shows different features but, concerning counselling, we can emphasize the significance of interdisciplinary which is both a difficulty and an opportunity in this process. Szilágyi (2011)

4 Self-knowledge related to career Knowledge about labour market and education Knowledge of occupations Areas to be integrated

5 Professionalising career guidance - a competency framework for professionals (2009) CEDEFOP (2009)


7 European definition on Lifelong Guidance (LLG) „A range of activities (examples include information and advice-giving, counselling, competence assessment, mentoring, advocacy, teaching decision- making and career management skills) that enables citizens of any age and at any point in their lives to identify their capacities, competences and interests, to make educational, training and occupational decisions and to manage their individual life paths in learning, work and other settings in which these capacities and competences are learned and/or used.‟ Resolution of the Council of the European Union (2004)

8 EU Council: Invitations to Member States 21.11.2008 Encourage the lifelong acquisition of career management skills; Facilitate access by all citizens to guidance services; Develop the quality assurance of guidance provision; Encourage coordination and cooperation among the various national, regional and local stakeholders. Use the opportunities provided under the Lifelong Learning Programme and the European Structural Funds, in accordance with Member States' priorities.

9 Dr. Borbély-Pecze Tibor Bors borbelytibor@lab.hu Four components of the national Lifelong Guidance system development – The Hungarian case (2008-2010) The programme rests on four major capacity-building pillars, carrying significant individual and social consequences for all labour market participants: 1.a core network of lifelong guidance professionals, 2.a wider lifelong guidance delivery network on different delivery levels, 3.increase of the number of career guidance professionals, and 4.development of career information tools

10 Dr. Borbély-Pecze Tibor Bors borbelytibor@lab.hu What we have accomplished? National LLG Portal Regional Professional Network Tools (films, folders, questionnaires Trainings (post-gradual and short ones) Unified protocol of guidance practitioners Country-wide network of counsellors 76+2000 persons 3650 persons (622 qualified) ~300 000 unique visitors/year 42 films, 150 folders, 40+ questionnaires ~50 counsellors International accolade – EU-level evaluation of the 2008-2010 phase Creating training materials 10+1 courses

11 Sum up… Developing the citizens’ career management skills (CMS) during the lifespan is a cross- sectoral task LLL can be successful if the users understand the changing needs of the labour market, ITC use, society etc.. LLG is a service for all and a tool for LLL!

12 Thank you for your attention! Tibor Bors BORBÉLY-PECZE, Ph.D. National Employment Office/ Hungarian LLG Council / European Lifelong Guidance Network + borbelytibor@lab.hu www.eletpalya.munka.hu

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