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. James Joyce (1882-1941). His stream of consciousness He attempted to make a fiction that would reflect the whole life, conscious and subconscious, without.

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Presentation on theme: ". James Joyce (1882-1941). His stream of consciousness He attempted to make a fiction that would reflect the whole life, conscious and subconscious, without."— Presentation transcript:

1 . James Joyce (1882-1941)

2 His stream of consciousness He attempted to make a fiction that would reflect the whole life, conscious and subconscious, without being limited by conventions of language.

3 Philosophically, he came to feel that time and space are artificial, that all is related, and that art should be a symbol of that relationship.

4 Psychologically he is for ever attempting to re-seek unity in a world that is disorganized

5 His works Dubliners (1914), A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), Ulysses (1922), Finnegan’s Wake (1939

6 Ulysses Instead of the wanderings of Homer’s Ulysses/Odysses over the geographical world, Joyce shows the mental wanderings of a character in Dublin for the space of about 20 hours.

7 Ulysses This formless, plotless novel records the thoughts, shades and fleeting flashes of the mind, suggestions etc., as they rise, and is written in a great variety of styles, to correspond with the mood of the moment, ranging from the simplest to the highly poetical, from the vulgar to the beautiful.

8 Ulysses On the whole, the book is written in ordinary English which makes sense line by line, yet different interpretations if put together.

9 Ulysses His actions: complete sentences in past tense/His mind: incomplete sentences in any tenses; economy of punctuation; ellipsis of words.

10 Ulysses 1.Leopold Bloom (modern Ulysses), middle-aged Irish Jew, a businessman, he is an “Everyman”, symbolic of universal human experience. 2.Molly Bloom, Leopold’s unfaithful wife, represents the earthy forces of life and reproduction. 3. Stephen Dedalus, a dedicated writer like Joyce.

11 Dubliners A collection of 15 short stories; “to write a chapter of the moral history of my country…under 4 of its aspets: childhood, adolescence, maturity and public life”

12 Dubliners My “dear dirty Dublin”, the city’s paralysis, moral, political, and spiritual; frustration or defeat of the soul

13 Dubliners Epiphany( 顿悟) : a sudden revelation of truth about life inspired by a seemingly trivial incident

14 Questions for “Araby”-a short story Joyce often uses realistic details with symbolic overtones. Three specific places are described in detail: the street, the house and the market. In addition, the weather is frequently noted. 1.How would you characterize these elements of setting? How effectively do the adjectives help to create an atmosphere?

15 Qestions for “Araby” 2. How might the bazaar, Araby, be considered symbolically in the story? 3.What does Araby symbolize for the protagonist before he gets there? 4. What does it come to symbolize at the close of the story? 5.To what extent does this symbol embody the story’s central idea?

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