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Fall 2002CIS 6401 CIS 640-001: Advanced Topics in Software Systems Software reliability methods and Embedded Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2002CIS 6401 CIS 640-001: Advanced Topics in Software Systems Software reliability methods and Embedded Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2002CIS 6401 CIS 640-001: Advanced Topics in Software Systems Software reliability methods and Embedded Systems

2 Fall 2002CIS 6402 Time and place TTh 4:30-6:00 Moore 223 Instructor: Insup Lee Office: 262 Moore Office hours: TTh 2-3

3 Fall 2002CIS 6403 Course outline Part 1: - introduction to formal methods - real-time systems - research projects at Penn Part 2: - student presentations Part 3: - programming projects demos

4 Fall 2002CIS 6404 Research project overview Charon/toolset: modeling language, simulation, researchability analyzer, code generation, test generation MaCS: Monitoring, checking and steering Model-based test generation Model-based code generation ACSR family: resource-based process algebras Trans from informal to formal

5 Fall 2002CIS 6405 Part 2: Class presentation topics Specification patterns Witness generation Bounded model checking Specification/model based test generation Formal medeling of schedulability UML-RT, etc. (other OMG efforts on model-based approaches) Embedded applications and issues (smart space, etc.) Embedded system (co-)design paradigms Other topics are allowed …

6 Fall 2002CIS 6406 Programming projects Pick an application Model and analyze using a tool (CHARON, ACSR, SPIN, SMV, etc.) Implement and validate the application Possible programming environment Java (CLDC, MIDP, J2ME wireless toolkit) RT-Java TMO Esterel Lego Mindstorm

7 Fall 2002CIS 6407 Requirements/expectations class participation CIS colloq attendance class presentation/ppt slides/summary paper programming project(s): specify and analyze, implement and validate optional (in-depth research projects) RT Java and semantics (for memory management, exception handling, etc.)

8 Fall 2002CIS 6408 Reading Materials Software reliabiity methods, Doron Peled, Springer, 2001 Real-time systems, Jane Liu handouts

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