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Delving into Internet Streaming Media Delivery: Written by: Lei Guo, Enhua Tan, Songqing Chen, Zhen Xiao, Oliver Spatscheck, Xiaodong Zhang Presented by:

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Presentation on theme: "Delving into Internet Streaming Media Delivery: Written by: Lei Guo, Enhua Tan, Songqing Chen, Zhen Xiao, Oliver Spatscheck, Xiaodong Zhang Presented by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delving into Internet Streaming Media Delivery: Written by: Lei Guo, Enhua Tan, Songqing Chen, Zhen Xiao, Oliver Spatscheck, Xiaodong Zhang Presented by: Harris C.C. Sun Dicky Kwok A quality and Resource Utilization Perspective

2 Multimedia: Downloading Web Server HTTP Long start-up latency Potential waste of traffic Web browser Media player

3 Multimedia: Pseudo Streaming Web Server Web browser Media player

4 Multimedia: Streaming Web Server HTTP Streaming Server RTSP/MMS/HTTP RTP/RTCP Web browser Media player

5 Streaming Media Merits –Thousands of concurrent streams –Flexible response to network congestion –Efficient bandwidth utilization –High quality to end users Challenges –Lack of QoS on the Internet –Diverse network connection of users –Prolonged startup latency Research and techniques –Effective utilization of server and Internet resources –Mechanism of streaming media delivery Protocol rollover, Fast Streaming, MBR and rate adaptation

6 Motivation Modern streaming techniques concentrated on the techniques of –media access pattern and –user behaviors to improve streaming performance. Few focused on –the improvement of techniques for quality streaming delivery and –the effective utilization of media resource.

7 Objective and approach Understand modern streaming techniques –The delivery quality and resource utilization Collect a large streaming media workload –From thousands of home users and business users Hosted by a large ISP (Gigascope) –RTSP, RTP/RTCP, MMS, RDT packet headers instead of server logs Analyze commonly used streaming techniques –Fast Streaming –Protocol rollover –MBR encoding and rate adaptation Propose a coordinated streaming mechanism –Effectively coordinate the merits from caching and rate adaptation

8 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

9 Trace Collection and processing methodology Collect streaming packet Capture all TCP packet within ports 554-555, 7070-7071 9070 and 1755 Keywords matching to collect RTSP and MMS packet Group TCP packet by IP addresses, port, TCP SYN/FIN/RST flag Extract streaming command from each request Identify media data and control packet

10 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

11 Traffic Overview User communities –Home users in a cable network –Business users hosted by a big ISP –Have different access patterns Media hosting services –Self-hosting –Third-party hosting

12 Traffic Overview Access Pattern –Business users access more audio than home users –Business users tend to access longer audio/video files –Business users tend to play audio/video longer –Business users tend to access live audio/video longer Media Hosting Service –Self-hosting:,, –Third-party hosting: LimeLight Networks,

13 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

14 Fast streaming A combination of techniques –Fast start –Fast cache –Fast recovery –Fast reconnect Rare in workload traffic, not include them in study Transmits data as fast as possible until the play-out buffer is filled. Streams media data up to 5 times the encoding rate

15 Fast streaming A combination of techniques –Fast start –Fast cache –Fast recovery –Fast reconnect 40% 60%

16 Smooth bandwidth flucation Rebuffering ratio Less rebuffering ratio then normal TCP streaming Rebuffer ratio = rebuffer time / play time

17 Production of extra traffic Oversupplies media to the client when client early terminate the media service Over-supplies about 54.8% of media data on average, while TCP streaming over-supplies about 4.8% data only. Fast Cache: > 55% oversupplied Normal TCP: < 5% oversupplied

18 Server Response time Longer time to be served 43% of request longer than 0.1 s running on Fast Cache while only 9% of request longer than 0.1 s in TCP streaming Fast cache is statistically longer than that on servers not running Fast Cache Third party media service 20 ms > 40% Self-hosting media service

19 Server load 3.6 times higher server load than normal TCP streaming Server log 1 X 4 X CPU 1 X 4 X

20 Effectiveness ? Throughput (rebuffer ratio) of Fast Streaming similar to that of TCP streaming –Only feasible when bandwidth is large enough –Less possibility of congestion in this case Encoding rate: 200 – 320 K bps Bandwidth: > 500 Kbps Fast Cache: not resource-efficient

21 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

22 Challenges of Streaming Bandwidth fluctuation –Quality of media streaming may significantly degrade Connection of speed varies –From dial-up to cable Prolonged startup latency

23 Challenges of Streaming Under the situation of bandwidth fluctuation, a technique of Rate Adaptation is widely used by media players The basic concept is simple. –modify the stream bit rate to adapt the various bandwidth –Resume when bandwidth recovers –Never higher than original bit rate

24 Rate Adaptation In order to adapt to bandwidth fluctuation, major media services support three kinds of techniques for rate adaptation. –Stream switch (also known as Intelligent Streaming in WM and SureStream in RealNetwork) –Stream thinning –Video Cancellation

25 Rate Adaptation Stream Switch –Multiple bit rates (MBR) must be used –According to the statistic of the paper, MBR encoding technique is widely used in media authoring

26 MBR Encoding on-demand audio live audio audio stream in video objects video stream in video objects 42% on-demand video are MBR encoded with at least two video stream The maximum numbers of streaming is 20

27 How it works DESCRIBE description Setup PLAY Streaming content

28 How it works When bandwidth drops WM sends command with a body specifying current stream and new stream REAL sends UNSUBSCRIBE to cancel the current stream, and SUBSCRIBE to switch to new stream Request to switch to lower rate stream

29 How it works During transmission, if the bandwidth decreases, the server automatically detects the change and switches to a stream with a lower bit rate. If bandwidth improves, the server switches to a stream with a higher bit rate, but never higher than the original bit rate. (from Microsoft page)

30 Problem Occurs After extracting and analyzing information from RTSP/MMS commands, switch latency occurs Switch latency occurs as the freezing duration between old stream and new stream User has to wait for re-buffering Low quality duration appears

31 Problem Occurs 30%~40% of stream switches have latency greater than 3 seconds 10%~20% of stream switches have latency greater than 5 seconds 60% of sessions have low quality duration less than 30 seconds 85% are shorter than 40 seconds Non-trivial for end users

32 Stream Thinning Similar to stream switch If the bandwidth can no longer support the streaming video, the image quality will be degraded in order to avoid buffering Thinning interval is defined as the interval between two consecutive stream thinning events

33 Stream Thinning 70% of the thinning duration are shorter than 30 seconds 70% in the home users and 82% in the business users, the thinning intervals are longer than 30 seconds

34 Video Cancellation When the bandwidth is too low to transmit the key frame of video stream, the client may send a TEARDOWN command to cancel the video streaming After that, the server maintains the continuous audio steam only If the bandwidth increases, the client may set up and request the video streaming again

35 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

36 Protocol Rollover Streaming protocol: UDP, TCP, HTTP Due the wide deployment of NAT routers/firewalls in both home and business users, protocol rollover results in great affect of startup latency Delivery over TCPDelivery over UDPHTTP XX

37 Protocol Rollover SETUP (UDP) CASE 1: Return UDP SETUP (UDP) CASE 2: Return TCP SETUP (UDP) CASE 3: Return UDP

38 Protocol Rollover In the collected data, if protocol rollover occurs, it tried to establish UDP from 1 to 3 times before switching to TCP Protocol rollover takes non-trivial time, increase the startup latency The default protocol in client is usually UDP However, some interesting results are revealed by the data.

39 Protocol Rollover In home user workload, only 7.37% of streaming session trying UDP first then switching to TCP. In business user workload, only 7.95% in the streaming session. These imply that TCP is directly used without protocol rollover in most streaming. What happened?

40 Protocol Selection & Rollover Avoidance The phenomenon can be explained as following: Windows streaming service allows the specification of protocol in URL modifier at client side or server side –Content provider: use URL modifier to specify protocol in the meta file – rtspt:// >70% – rtspu:// rarely After extracting URL modifier, 70% of streaming session is specified as TCP

41 Protocol Selection & Rollover Avoidance The conjecture is: –Content providers are aware of NAT/firewalls –Understand UDP is mostly shielded by clients –They actively use TCP to avoid shielding or protocol rollover –Even if UDP is supported, the streaming is delivered over TCP directly

42 Proof Further investigate the NAT usage with MMS Different from RTSP, clients report local IP address to server Most users report private IPs Indicate that clients access internet through NAT

43 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

44 Coordinating caching and rate adaptation Fast Cache: aggressively buffer data in advance –Over-utilize CPU and bandwidth resources –Neither performance effective nor cost-efficient Rate adaptation: conservatively switch to lower bit rate stream –Switch handoff latency Coordinated Streaming Upper bound Prevent aggressive buffering Lower bound Prevent switch latency high rate stream low rate stream

45 Results Rebuffering ratio is close to zero Reduces 77% over-supplied traffic produced by Fast Cache, though still not as good as TCP streaming Switch handoff latency is nearly zero

46 Trace Collection and processing Methodology Traffic Overview Fast Streaming Rate Adaptation Protocol Rollover Coordinated Streaming Summary

47 What We Learn and What We Think This paper mainly aim at investigating the current streaming technique used by media players Most people enjoy video streaming but seldom know the theory behind Modern streaming services over-utilize CPU and bandwidth resource Coordinated Streaming is suggested Ideal theory but not sure if it works in reality.

48 What We Learn and What We Think More research papers are written by same group of people More study are needed

49 Thank You!

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