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Investigating the Effect of Voltage- Switching on Low-Energy Task Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems Paper review Presented by Chung-Fu Kao.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating the Effect of Voltage- Switching on Low-Energy Task Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems Paper review Presented by Chung-Fu Kao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating the Effect of Voltage- Switching on Low-Energy Task Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems Paper review Presented by Chung-Fu Kao

2 9/18/2000 2 What’s the Problem ?  The relationship between voltage-switching and energy consumption.  Switching times have a significant effect on the energy consumed in hard real-time systems.  How to reduce the voltage switching time ?

3 9/18/2000 3 Introduction  Energy consumption is becoming an important design parameter for portable and embedded systems. – Battery cost  One approach to conserve energy is to employ low-power design methodology.  Scheduling algorithm is proposed. – To minimize the energy consumed by a periodic task set

4 9/18/2000 4 Idea & Assumption  The algorithm is based on “earliest-deadline- first (EDF)” algorithm.  The voltage of the CPU may be switched between two or more values dynamically at run-time through OS system call.  Voltage switching takes time and consumes energy.  Find the minimum voltage of entire set of tasks.

5 9/18/2000 5 Preliminaries  A set of n periodic tasks – Notation:  Each task has the following parameters – A release (or arrival) time a i, – A deadline d i, – A length l i (# of instruction cycle), and – A period p i  CPU can operate at one of two voltage: v1 or v2, e.g. 1.3v or 2.5v

6 9/18/2000 6 Preliminaries (contd.)  Each task r i may be executed at a voltage v i,  The system uses up C units of energy  The relation between power consumption and CPU voltage – Equation:  So, power (energy) consumption E i consumed by task r i of length l i is * * Reference “Logic Synthesis for Low Power VLSI Designs”

7 9/18/2000 7 MILP Goal  MILP: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming  Minimize a linear objective function on a set of integer and/or real variables, while satisfying a set of linear constraints  Task set – A release time – A deadline – A length – An operating voltage – A corresponding execution speed – A cost to switch C i  Goal:

8 9/18/2000 8 MILP Method  Assume a linear relationship between the operating voltage v and its execution speed x  The execution speed of task i, to be either s1 or s2 (CPU speed), and a i, b i are binary variables  Goal:

9 9/18/2000 9 The E-LEDF Algorithm  E-LEDF: Extend-Low-energy Earliest Deadline First

10 9/18/2000 10 Experimental Results  Assume that the two processor speeds to be 300 MIPS at 2.47V and 400MIPS at 3.3V  Assume that the switching time is 0.4 units(milliseconds) and switching power is 50 units(mW) Task ti Release ai Deadline di Length li (x 10 6 ) Li / 300 (x 10 6 ) Li / 400 (x 10 6 ) t1 t2 t3 t4 3 9 0 18 7 21 5 25 800 750 1600 1000 2.66 2.5 5.33 3.33 2.0 1.875 4.0 2.5 Task SetConfigurationLEDFE-LEDF% increase 24 tasksts=5, vs=200 ts=5, vs=10 ts=1, vs=200 ts=1, vs=10 199418.76 213376.26 212236.26 201771.65 200631.65 6.99 6.42 1.17 0.60 39 tasksts=5, vs=200 ts=5, vs=10 ts=1, vs=200 ts=1, vs=10 309338.65 380317.625 378987.625 345221.25 342751.25 22.90 22.50 11.59 10.80 E-LEDF

11 9/18/2000 11 Conclusions  Energy consumption is becoming an increasingly important design issue.  The need for algorithms that attempt to minimize energy usage both at the system synthesis/design level, as well as the run-time/ operating system level are being increasingly felt.

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