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Active Learning Delivery Methods Active Learning Delivery Methods Critical thinking and problem solving teaching techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning Delivery Methods Active Learning Delivery Methods Critical thinking and problem solving teaching techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning Delivery Methods Active Learning Delivery Methods Critical thinking and problem solving teaching techniques

2 Organizers of this workshop College of Education Office of Faculty and Instructional Development The International Reading Association ( IRA )

3 Facilitators Professor Gary Moorman (IRA) Professor Kendra Sisserson (IRA) Professor Eman Zaki (College of Education)

4 What are your expectations?

5 Objectives of the workshop A-The purpose of this workshop is to acquire critical thinking and problem solving teaching techniques related to : 1-Activating background knowledge and attitudes ’ 1-Activating background knowledge and attitudes ’ 2-Linking new information to prior experiences ’ 2-Linking new information to prior experiences ’ 3-Reflecting on and applying new ideas 3-Reflecting on and applying new ideas B- Design lesson plans using these strategies

6 Quality Education A Quality Education is one that provides a rich background of content information and experience that will enable all learners to develop the cognitive,affective,and social strategies that will allow them to become life long learners, creative thinkers, and productive citizens.

7 Why do we need to develop Critical thinking and problem solving in our students?

8 1-Connect the topic of study to their lives and to other things they have studied. 2-Set purpose for learning. 3-Develop meaning from new information they read or hear. 4-Link new information to their prior experiences 5-Search for answers to their own questions or to satisfy their curiosity 6-Monitor and sustain one's own learning. 7-Organize and remember important information,ideas and relationships 8-Use new information to solve problems 9-Evaluate new information 10-Re-examine their thinking and incorporate new ideas

9 A three- phase framework to organize lessons A three- phase framework to organize lessons - A phase refers to Activities that take place BEFORE,DURING and AFTER reading, writing,listening, discussion, lecturing, presenting,etc. What ’ s your instructional plan compared to this one?

10 Phase 1:Before (reading, writing,listening, discussion,etc.) Activate background knowledge and attitudes We guide learners to : -connect the topic to their lives and to the other things they have studied -Set purpose for learning

11 Phase 2:During (reading, writing,listening, discussion,etc. Link new information to prior experiences We guide learners to : Develop meaning from new information they read or hear. Link new information to their prior experiences Search for answers to their own questions or to satisfy their curiosity Monitor and sustain one's own learning

12 Phase 3:After (reading, writing,listening, discussion,etc. Reflect on new ideas and apply them We guide learners to: -Organize and remember important information,ideas and relationships Use new information to solve problems Evaluate new information Re-examine their thinking and incorporate new ideas

13 Demonstration Activity 1

14 Developing Critical Thinking Using List-Pair-Share, Problem-Solution Map and Apply-quick write

15 Activate background knowledge List-Pair-Share Teacher introduces the topic. Teacher asks individuals to reflect. Participants list and share their lists in pairs. Participants list and share their lists in pairs. Teacher makes a cumulative list on the flip chart. Teacher makes a cumulative list on the flip chart.

16 Construct meaning Problem-Solution Map Teacher reads aloud title of text. Teacher introduces the Problem-Solution Map. Participants predict what the text will say about the topic. Teacher and Participants record predictions. Participants read portions of the text silently, comparing the Participants read portions of the text silently, comparing the text to their predictions. text to their predictions. Participants continue to revise their Problem-Solution Map

17 Problem-Solution Map Problem?_________________________________________ _____ Who is affected?_________________________________________ Possible Solutions Most Appropriate solution New Problems

18 What are the steps of problem solving? - Recognize there is a question, issue,or problem to be solved. -Define or redefine the problem,look at its features from multiple angles; generate questions to clarify the problem. -Formulate a plan for coming up with possible solutions. -Generate possible solutions and consider alternative solutions; generate creative possibilities. -Analyze possible solutions to identify the best ones; hypothesize their effectiveness and feasibility. -Create a way to test one or more best solutions; analyze failed attempts. -Implement the chosen solution.

19 Reflect on new ideas and apply them Apply—Quick write Teacher provides a writing model. Participants write in pairs. Participants write in pairs. Teacher calls on participants to share writing.

20 Comparing and reflection

21 Demonstration Activity 2

22 Developing Critical Thinking Using PReP ( List Group Label), INSERT and Acrostic Poetry

23 Activate background knowledge PReP (List Group Label) Activate background knowledge PReP (List Group Label) Teacher introduces the text theme. Teacher asks individuals to associate words and ideas to text theme. Participants list words. Teacher asks participants to categorize responses Teacher asks participants to add more associations. Teacher asks participants to add more associations.

24 Constructing meaning INSERT Constructing meaning INSERT Participants read text silently marking the text Teacher and Participants share ideas about the text  = I already knew that  = I already knew that + = That ’ s new to me X = I disagree ! = This is really important ? = I wonder

25 Reflect on new ideas and apply them Apply—Acrostic Poetry Reflect on new ideas and apply them Apply—Acrostic Poetry Teacher provides a writing model. Participants write in pairs. Teacher calls on participants to share writing (It ’ s a piece of writing in which particular letters in each line,usually the first letters,can be read downwards to form a word or words)

26 A sample Acrostic Poem R eading makes me think E verybody has a story to tell A nyone can see the world D rawn in the pages of a book

27 Comparing and reflection

28 Demonstration Activity 3

29 Developing Critical Thinking Using Tricky Dictionary, Question the Author, and Cinquain

30 New Vocabulary Storage Batteries Inexhaustible Capital investment Atmospheric Buoy- based

31 Activate background knowledge Tricky Dictionary Teacher introduces the text theme. Teacher identifies several key terms. Participants write sentences using the key words. Teacher asks participants to compare sentences. Teacher asks participants to summarize probable meanings

32 Constructing meaning Question the Author Constructing meaning Question the Author Participants read text silently marking the text Participants develop questions they would address to the author of the text Participants develop questions they would address to the author of the text Teacher and Participants share questions for the author of the text

33 Reflect on new ideas and apply them Apply—Cinquain Poetry Reflect on new ideas and apply them Apply—Cinquain Poetry Teacher provides a writing model. Participants write in pairs. Teacher calls on participants to share writing.

34 Cinquain Poetry the Cinquain is a type of pattern poem with 5 lines. One word title (noun) two adjectives three action words ending in – ing (related to the topic) four-word phrase expressing feelings about the topic one word synonym for the theme of the topic

35 Love Brotherly Motherly Beginning FallingEnding Gift from the Gods Passion

36 Comparing and reflection

37 Demonstration Activity 4

38 Developing Critical Thinking Using Know-Want to Know-Learn (KWL+), and Cubing

39 Activate background knowledge—KWL + Teacher introduces the text topic. Participants list things they already know about this topic. Teacher models questions of what he/she wants to know about this topic. Participants write their own questions. Teacher records volunteer responses on class chart/participants record on individual charts.

40 Constructing meaning—KWL + Participants silently read text in passages. Teacher asks participants to review text to confirm known information and answers to questions Teacher encourages participants to add new questions Participants continue reading and revising their KWL chart. Participants list what they have learned. Participants list what is it they still need to learn.

41 Reflect on new ideas and apply them Apply—Cubing Teacher provides a model cube and discusses the six analytical questions. Participants write in pairs. Teacher calls on participants to share writing.

42 Comparing and reflection

43 Before strategies -List-pair-share -PReP( List-Group-Label) -Tricky dictionary -KWL+

44 During strategies -Problem-solution map -INSERT -Question the author -KWL+

45 After strategies -Apply-Quick write -Acrostic poetry -Cinquain poetry -Cubing

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