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Recent progress in optical flow

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1 Recent progress in optical flow
Presented by: Darya Frolova and Denis Simakov

2 Optical Flow is not in favor
Very popular slide: Often not using Optical Flow is stated as one of the main advantages of a method Optical Flow methods have a reputation of either unreliable or slow Recent works claim: Optical Flow can be computed fast and accurately

3 Optical Flow Research: Timeline
Horn&Schunck many methods more methods Lucas&Kanade 1981 1992 1998 now Benchmark: Barron Benchmark: Galvin Seminal papers A slow and not very consistent improvement in results, but a lot of useful ingredients were developed

4 In This Lecture We will describe :
Ingredients for an accurate and robust optical flow How people combine these ingredients Fast algorithms Papers: Combining the advantages of local and global optic flow methods (“Lucas/Kanade meets Horn/Schunck”) A. Bruhn, J. Weickert, C. Schnörr, High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping T. Brox, A. Bruhn, N. Papenberg, J. Weickert, Real-Time Optic Flow Computation with Variational Methods A. Bruhn, J. Weickert, C. Feddern, T. Kohlberger, C. Schnörr, Towards ultimate motion estimation: Combining highest accuracy with real-time performance A. Bruhn, J. Weickert, 2005 Bilateral filtering-based optical flow estimation with occlusion detection J.Xiao, H.Cheng, H.Sawhney, C.Rao, M.Isnardi, 2006

5 What is Optical Flow? explain: arrows and dots of flow field

6 Definitions The optical flow is a velocity field in the image which transforms one image into the next image in a sequence [ Horn&Schunck ] + = frame #1 flow field frame #2 The motion field … is the projection into the image of three-dimensional motion vectors [ Horn&Schunck ]

7 Ambiguity of optical flow
flow (1): true motion flow (2) Frame 1

8 Applications optical flow video compression 3D reconstruction
segmentation object detection activity detection key frame extraction interpolation in time motion field We are usually interested in actual motion

9 Outline Ingredients for an accurate and robust optical flow
Local image constraints on motion Robust statistics Spatial coherence How people combine these ingredients Fast algorithms

10 Local image constraints

11 Brightness Constancy u frame t+1 v frame t

12 Linearized brightness constancy
Deviation from brightness constancy (we want it to be zero) Complex dependence on Linearize:

13 Linearized brightness constancy
Let us square the difference: J – “motion tensor”, or “structure tensor”

14 Averaged linearized constraint
J is a function of x, y (a matrix for every point) Combine over small neighborhoods (more robust to noise): J = *

15 Method of Lucas&Kanade
Solve independently for each point [ Lucas&Kanade 1981 ] linear system Can be solved for every point where matrix is not degenerate

16 Lukas&Kanade - Results
Rubik cube Hamburg taxi flow field flow field

17 Brightness is not always constant
Rotating cylinder Brightness constancy does not always hold Gradient constancy holds intensity intensity derivative position position

18 Local constraints - Summary
We have seen linearized brightness constancy averaged linearized averaged linearized gradient constancy

19 Local constraints are not enough!

20 Local constraints work poorly
Optical flow direction using only local constraints input video color encodes direction as marked on the boundary

21 Where local constraints fail
Uniform regions Motion is not observable in the image (locally)

22 Where local constraints fail
“Aperture problem” We can estimate only one flow component (normal)

23 Where local constraints fail
Occlusions We have not seen where some points moved Occluded regions are marked in red

24 Obtaining support from neighbors
Two main problems with local constraints: information about motion is missing in some points => need spatial coherency constraints do not hold everywhere => need methods to combine them robustly good missing wrong

25 Robust combination of partially reliable data
or: How to hold elections

26 Toy example xi xi → xi + ∆ L2: L1:
Find “best” representative for the set of numbers xi L2: L1: Influence of xi on E: xi → xi + ∆ proportional to equal for all xi Outliers influence the most Majority decides

27 Elections and robust statistics
many ordinary people a very rich man wealth Oligarchy Democracy ordinary people – 1 vote a rich man – many votes If you know what to do – choose oligarchy, if don’t know - democracy Votes proportional to the wealth One vote per person like in L2 norm minimization like in L1 norm minimization

28 Combination of two flow constraints
usual: L2 easy to analyze and minimize sensitive to outliers robust: L1 robust in presence of outliers non-smooth: hard to analyze robust regularized smooth: easy to analyze robust in presence of outliers ε [A. Bruhn, J. Weickert, 2005] Towards ultimate motion estimation: Combining highest accuracy with real-time performance

29 Spatial Propagation

30 Obtaining support from neighbors
Two main problems with local constraints: information about motion is missing in some points => need spatial coherency constraints do not hold everywhere => need methods to combine them robustly good missing wrong

31 Homogeneous propagation
- flow in the x direction flow in the y direction gradient This constraint is not correct on motion boundaries => over-smoothing of the resulting flow [Horn&Schunck 1981]

32 Robustness to flow discontinuities
ε (also known as isotropic flow-driven regularization) [T. Brox, A. Bruhn, N. Papenberg, J. Weickert, 2004] High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping

33 Selective flow filtering
We want to propagate information without crossing image and flow discontinuities from “good” points only (not occluded) Solution: use “bilateral” filter in space, intensity, flow; taking into account occlusions [J.Xiao, H.Cheng, H.Sawhney, C.Rao, M.Isnardi, 2006] Bilateral filtering-based optical flow estimation with occlusion detection

34 Bilateral filter Unilateral (usual) Bilateral x I I x
Preserves discontinuities! x I x I [C. Tomasi, R. Manduchi, 1998] Bilateral filtering for gray and color images.

35 Using of bilateral filter - Example
occluded regions cyan rectangle moves to the right and occludes background region marked by red [J.Xiao, H.Cheng, H.Sawhney, C.Rao, M.Isnardi, 2006] Bilateral filtering-based optical flow estimation with occlusion detection

36 Learning of spatial coherence
Come to the next lecture …

37 Spatial coherence: Summary
Homogeneous propagation - oversmoothing Robust statistics with homogeneous propagation - preserves flow discontinuities Bilateral filtering - combines information from regions with similar flow and similar intensities Handles occlusions

38 Two more useful ingredients
in brief – one slide each

39 2D vs. 3D Several frames allow more accurate optical flow estimation

40 Multiscale Optical Flow
Linearization: valid only for small flow pyramid for frame 1 pyramid for frame 2 frame 1 warped ? + upsample + (other names: “warping”, “coarse-to-fine”, “multiresolution”)

41 How to make tasty soup with these ingredients: several recipes
Methods How to make tasty soup with these ingredients: several recipes

42 Outline Ingredients for an accurate and robust optical flow
How people combine these ingredients Lukas & Kanade meet Horn & Schunck The more ingredients – the better Bilateral filtering and occlusions Fast algorithms

43 Combining ingredients
Spatial coherency Homogeneous Flow-driven Bilateral filtering + occlusions Local constraints Brightness constancy Image gradient constancy Energy = ∫ϕ (Data) + ∫ϕ (“Smoothness”) Combined using robust statistics Computed coarse-to-fine Use several frames

44 Combining Local and Global
Remember: Lucas&Kanade Horn&Schunk Basic “Combining local and global” [A. Bruhn, J. Weickert, C. Schnörr, 2002 ]

45 Sensitivity to noise – quantitative results
frame t+1 Error measure: angle between true and computed flow in (x,y,t) space frame t ground truth flow

46 The more ingredients - the better
brightness constancy spatial coherence gradient constancy [Bruhn, Weickert, 2005] Towards ultimate motion estimation: Combining highest accuracy with real-time performance

47 Combining local and global
Quantitative results Average Standard Deviation Lucas&Kanade 4.3 (density 35%) Horn&Schunk 9.8 16.2 Combining local and global 4.2 7.7 “Towards ultimate …” 2.4 6.7 Angular error Method Yosemite sequence with clouds Average error decreases, but standard deviation is still high….

48 Influence of each ingredient
For Yosemite sequence with clouds

49 Handling occlusions bilateral filtering of flow: preserve intensity and flow discontinuities; model occlusions [J.Xiao, H.Cheng, H.Sawhney, C.Rao, M.Isnardi, ECCV 2006] Bilateral filtering-based optical flow estimation with occlusion detection

50 Qualitative results

51 Combining local and global Bilateral+occlusions
Quantitative results Average Standard Deviation Lucas&Kanade 4.3 (density 35%) Horn&Schunk 9.8 16.2 Combining local and global 4.2 7.7 “Towards ultimate …” 2.4 6.7 Bilateral+occlusions 2.6 6.1 Angular error Method Yosemite sequence with clouds

52 Outline Ingredients for an accurate and robust optical flow
How people combine these ingredients Fast algorithms Energy functional => discrete equation Multigrid solver: nearly real-time

53 Euler-Lagrange equation
How to minimize energy Analogy: Necessary condition: Necessary condition Euler-Lagrange equation

54 An example Let us see how to derive discretized equation for 1D Horn & Schuhck Horn&Schunk 1D version (simplified):

55 Iterative minimization (simple example)
Euler-Lagrange Linear system of equation for u Discretized: Local iterations:

56 Life is not a picnic Linear discretized system
Non-linear in u, non-linear discretized system Even more complicated

57 Optimization algorithms
Simple iterative minimization Multigrid: much faster convergence

58 Solving the system How to solve? Start with some initial guess
and apply some iterative method fast convergence good initial guess 2 components of success:

59 Relaxation smoothes the error
Relaxation schemes have smoothing property: It may take thousands of iterations to propagate information to large distance oscillatory modes of the error are eliminated effectively, but smooth modes are damped slowly Only neighboring pixels are coupled in relaxation scheme

60 Relaxation smoothes the error Examples
1D case: 2D case: Error of initial guess Error after 5 relaxation Error after 15 relaxations

61 Idea: coarser grid On a coarser grid low frequencies become higher
initial grid – fine grid On a coarser grid low frequencies become higher Hence, relaxations can be more effective coarse grid – we take every second point

62 Multigrid 2-Level V-Cycle
5. Correct the previous solution 6. Iterate ⇒ remove interpolation artifacts 1. Iterate ⇒ error becomes smooth 2. Transfer error equation to the coarse level ⇒ low frequencies become high 4. Transfer error to the fine level 3. Solve for the error on the coarse level ⇒ good error estimation

63 Coarse grid - advantages
Coarsening allows: make iteration process faster (on the coarse grid we can effectively minimize the error) obtain better initial guess (solve directly on the coarsest grid) go to the coarsest grid interpolate to the finer grid solve here the equation to find

64 Multigrid approach – Full scheme

65 Non-linear: Full Approximation Scheme
A(·) non-linear Linear Non-linear fine level: coarse level: Difference from the linear case: Equation for error involves current solution u0: ⇒ Need to transfer current solution to the coarser level

66 Multigrid: Summary Used to solve linear or non-linear equations
Method: combine two techniques Basic iterative solver: quickly removes high frequencies of the error Coarsening: makes low frequencies high Contribution: fast minimization of loosely coupled equations

67 Fast Optimization: Results
Time [sec] frames/sec Gauss-Seidel 1.15 0.87 Full multigrid 0.016 62.8 9.52 0.11 FAS-multigrid 0.087 11.5 34.5 0.03 0.396 2.5 Horn&Schunck CLG “Towards ultimate…” image size: 160 x 120

68 Summary of the Talk 25 years of Optical Flow : a lot of useful ingredients were developed: local constraints: brightness constancy gradient constancy smoothing techniques: homogeneous flow-driven (preserving discontinuities) bilateral filters handling of occlusions robust functions multiscale All ingredients are combined an a global Energy Minimization approach This difficult global optimization can be done very fast using Multigrid

69 Thank you!

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