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Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

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1 Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky

2 A Propaganda Model A Propaganda Model Filters
1) Concentrated Ownership 2) Advertising 3) Sourcing 4) Flak 5) Anti-Communism

3 A Propaganda Model Media Filters 1) Concentrated Ownership
This refers to “the gradual limitation and/or narrowing of media outlets due to the high investment costs associated with remaining commercially viable.” Features: a. Costs of running a newspapers skyrocket: b. Media Concentration in the 1980s/ A Tiered Media Hierarchy

4 A Propaganda Model Media Filters
1) Concentrated Ownership: A Tiered Media Hierarchy The media is defined by a ranking of media outlets. The Top Tier: Most Influential Newspapers New York Times Company Tribune Company Cable TV CNN News Corporation

5 A Propaganda Model

6 A Propaganda Model Media Filters 2) Advertising
Advertisers dictate content. Advertising has increased the concentration of ownership. Advertisers v. Consumer “Advertising in a free market creates a situation where the Advertiser, not the ‘final buyer,’ shapes the final product.” (14)

7 A Propaganda Model Media Filters 2) Advertising: What is a Newspaper?
Newspapers: are products sold to advertisers and then distributed to the public for a nominal fee. Features: a. Audience Quality (16) Advertisers are politically discriminatory, they support media outlets that promote views favorable to business interests, and withhold funding from those that don’t. Example: Used Car Sales

8 A Propaganda Model Media Filters 3) Sourcing
Where does the media go to gather information? Features: a. Public Relations and Public Affairs Offices: Power and the Media b. Tactics for Managing the Media: 1) Flood the media with information. 2) Develop and Deploy/Employ “Experts”

9 A Propaganda Model Media Filters
4) Flak: Policing the Media: “Working the Refs” “‘Flak’ refers to negative responses to a media statement or program. (26) Flak is related to Power: “The ability to produce flak, and especially flak that is costly and threatening, is related to power.” Example: Conservative Media Watch Dog Groups

10 A Propaganda Model Media Filters 5) Anti-Communism
Anti-Communism became by the 1980s an official state doctrine and a means of identifying 0fficial enemies.

11 A Propaganda Model

12 Media: Institutional Structure
Owners Advertiser Publishers Publishers Publishers Editors Editors Editors Editors Editors Consumer Report Report Report Report Report Report

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