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Convergence Explained Playing Catch-up With News Consumers.

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Presentation on theme: "Convergence Explained Playing Catch-up With News Consumers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Convergence Explained Playing Catch-up With News Consumers

2 Why Convergence Is Like Teenage Sex No one knows what it is but thinks that it must be great. No one knows what it is but thinks that it must be great. Everyone thinks that everyone else is doing it. Everyone thinks that everyone else is doing it. Those who say they are doing it are probably lying. Those who say they are doing it are probably lying. The few who are doing it aren't doing it well. The few who are doing it aren't doing it well. Once they start doing it, they realize that it's going to take them a long time to do it right. Once they start doing it, they realize that it's going to take them a long time to do it right. They'll also soon start realizing that there is no "right" way to do it They'll also soon start realizing that there is no "right" way to do it


4 WHY CONVERGENCE? Because our news audiences expect it. Because our news audiences are convergent.

5 How have news audiences changed? Time starved Time starved Multi-tasking Multi-tasking Multimedia / Techno-rich Multimedia / Techno-rich Diversified interests Diversified interests “Niche-ified” “Niche-ified”

6 Hungry for Time 28 percent of all workers work 40+ hours per week 28 percent of all workers work 40+ hours per week Average commute 25 minutes but 7 percent have 1 hour+ commute Average commute 25 minutes but 7 percent have 1 hour+ commute One fifth of all workers head to work between midnight and 6:30 a.m. One fifth of all workers head to work between midnight and 6:30 a.m. Average time spent w/ news media DROPPING. Average time spent w/ news media DROPPING. Under 25s spend least amount of time w/ news media. Under 25s spend least amount of time w/ news media.

7 Multi-tasking & Multimedia Ball State study of media use finds people multi-task with media one-quarter of the time. Ball State study of media use finds people multi-task with media one-quarter of the time. Most multi-tasking media: reading and TV Most multi-tasking media: reading and TV Use of multiple media and multimedia growing, especially among the young Use of multiple media and multimedia growing, especially among the young Computer & TV use (jointly & separately) growing in children under the age of 6 Computer & TV use (jointly & separately) growing in children under the age of 6

8 Kids and Media Use: News Consumers of the Future “Children and teens are spending an increasing amount of time using ‘new media’ like computers, the Internet and video games, without cutting back on the time they spend with ‘old’ media like TV, print and music.” Source:“Media Multi-tasking” Changing the Amount and Nature of Young People’s Media use,” Kaiser Family Foundation, 2003

9 Children & Media Using media on average 6.5 hours/day Using media on average 6.5 hours/day Squeezing 8.5 hours worth of media use in 6.5 hours/day Squeezing 8.5 hours worth of media use in 6.5 hours/day Media multitasking in 1999 = 16 percent Media multitasking in 1999 = 16 percent Media multitasking 2003 = 26 percent Media multitasking 2003 = 26 percent

10 What is Convergence Journalism? Convergence Journalism is a new way of thinking, producing and delivering the news, using all media to their fullest potential to reach diverse and diffuse audiences.

11 Convergence Thinking “We have to get away from the notion that we put stuff out there and news consumers can take it or leave it.” – Dean Wright, Reuters, formerly editor “We have to get away from the notion that we put stuff out there and news consumers can take it or leave it.” – Dean Wright, Reuters, formerly editor

12 Consumers as Producers We Media Citizen Journalism Participatory Journalism

13 We Media/London Bombing


15 Convergence / We Media Examples rticle_view.asp?at_code=282387&no=249 695&rel_no=1 rticle_view.asp?at_code=282387&no=249 695&rel_no=1 rticle_view.asp?at_code=282387&no=249 695&rel_no=1 rticle_view.asp?at_code=282387&no=249 695&rel_no=1

16 Nicholas Negroponte “Without innovation we are doomed – by boredom and monotony – to decline.” “Without innovation we are doomed – by boredom and monotony – to decline.” New ideas need diversity, risk, openness and idea sharing to thrive. New ideas need diversity, risk, openness and idea sharing to thrive.

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