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MINISTRY OF TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Forest Monitoring For REDD “A Case of The Integrated Land-use Assessment (ILUA) - Zambia” Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "MINISTRY OF TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Forest Monitoring For REDD “A Case of The Integrated Land-use Assessment (ILUA) - Zambia” Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINISTRY OF TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Forest Monitoring For REDD “A Case of The Integrated Land-use Assessment (ILUA) - Zambia” Presented By Abel M. SIAMPALE Senior Forestry Officer - ILUA 9 – 12/06/2008, Bonn - Germany

2 ILUA ZAMBIA IN BRIEF (THE CROSS - SECTOR APPROACH) PEOPLE CropInformation Population Information Accessibility to Services Knowledge (Legislations) Livestock production ECOSYSTEM Forest Products and Services Land use & Forest Types Environmental Problems Soils texture and Drainage General Land Management 1. Biophysical (Variables) Data 2. Socio-Economic (Variables) Data

3 STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED IN ILUA Collaborating Institutions: 1.Agriculture, (Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives). 2.Survey, (Ministry of Lands). 3.Central Statistical Office, (Ministry of Finance and National Planning). 4.ZAWA, (Zambia Wildlife Authority) 5.Fisheries 6.Water Affairs Department 7.University of Zambia 8.Copperbelt University 9.Local Government, (Councils) 10.Zambia Forestry College 11.NGOs Lead Institution is Forestry Department, Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources.


5 THE INFORMATION PRODUCTS FOR ILUA - ZAMBIA Forest Inventory DataSpatial Information 1.Biophysical Data 2.Poverty Alleviation 3.Access to Resources 4.Bio-energy & Environment 1.Land Cover maps 2.Land Use maps 3.“Resource maps” 4.Sustainability maps ILUA DATA - ZAMBIA C1C2 Attribute Data Base Spatial Data Base

6 Extent and Potential of Forest Sector Main Land Cover Classes Million HA Total Forest area49.9 Total Other Wooded Land6.1 Total Other Land15.8 Inland Water3.4 Total Growing Stock (Million M3)2,954 Carbon stock 2,770 million tons


8 Major Household Activities among the Sample Households

9 Policies promoting pro-poor livestock sector development I. Reducing vulnerability land – water – feed – risk-coping II. Creating conditions for growth services – credit – markets III. Sustaining growth food safety – competitiveness – environment MACROECONOMIC POLICIES Livestock-Related Policy Domains Source: ILUA Policy Workshop – Dr. T. Kalinda

10 Level of Agricultural Input Utilization Policy implications in terms of:  Promoting higher utilization of inputs like fertilizer among smallholder farmer to enhance productivity and conservation of land and forest resources  Credit and Extension provision  Facilitation of private sector participation through infrastructure development Source: ILUA Policy Workshop – Dr. T. Kalinda

11 Forest Disturbance Level (Based Forest Inventory Assessments)

12 Pattern of Forest Harvesting (Based on Responses From Household Data

13 WAY FORWARD WITH ILUA 1.Establishing a national database on the land use resources - contribute to sustainable natural resource management 2.Support the establishing of a long-term resource monitoring system across multiple sectors (institutionalizing ILUA to provide detailed data to REDD) 3.Support dissemination of reliable and update information on land use to policy and decision makers and the general public. 4.Identify social, cultural, environmental and economic aspects of land use and land use change to address a number of issues such as climate change, floods, land degradation, deforestation, research, etc 5.To stimulate the implementation of best practice guidelines (reclassification of protected areas) in fire management, timber harvesting, tree planting, carbon accounting, etc. 6.Strengthen positive synergies across sectors 7.Encourage value augmenting activities, wildlife ranching, eco-tourism, carbon markets and trading,etc 8.Improve on scientific approaches to data generation (local modeling) and capacity building within FD

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