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1  Game story design  Game levels design  Fitting game levels into game story Game Design.

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Presentation on theme: "1  Game story design  Game levels design  Fitting game levels into game story Game Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 1  Game story design  Game levels design  Fitting game levels into game story Game Design

2 2 Hero’s Journey  A trip of a central character that resolves a problem  Saving the world?  Simplicity  Everyone knows the stories about heroes; story books, movies Ref: by Troy Dunniway, last visit: 10 May 2008 Game Design: Hero’s Journey

3  Classic heroic hero  Willing and unwilling heroes  Group orientated and loner heroes  Anti-heroes  Tragic heroes  Trickster heroes ( 策略家 )  Combination  Illusion  Main character? Single? A group of people? Kinds of Hero archetypes ( 原型 )

4 4  Point of view of the story := player’s character’s point of view  Player’s character getting bored if he was not heroic  Reluctant to do missions  No turning back; must move forward  Fast and easy to outline an initial story  Formula  Fast convergence to a final story structure The Benefits of the Journey

5 1.Classical approach 2.Modern and practical approach Variations of the Journey

6 Campbell's Outline The Call to Adventure Threshold Guardians Wise and Helpful old man & the Magic talisman ( 法寶 ) Refusal of the Call Passing the First Threshold Hero Partners Mystical Insight The Labyrinth & the Princess Losing the Guide Hero Deeds & Dragon Slayers The Dark road of the Trials The Hunt ( 搜索 ) Into the Belly of the Beast The Mystical Marriage The Sacred Grove Sacrifice & Betrayal The Hero's Return Resurrection Monster Combat The Resurgence of Evil The Enchanted Forest & Helpful Animals Descent into the Underworld Atonement with the Father Unmasking Final Victory Hero’s Journey: Classical Approach A summary and modernization of ancient mythology and stories

7 Vogler's Outline The Ordinary World The Call to Adventure The Reluctant Hero The Wise Old Man Into the Special Fantasy World Tests, Allies, & Enemies The Inmost Cave - Second Threshold The Supreme Ordeal ( 極度的折磨 ) Seizing the Sword - Reward The Road Back Resurrection Return - Ending Hero’s Journey: Modern and Practical Approach A summary and modern analysis of Campbell's work

8 Act 0: Back-story Act I: Introduction:The Ordinary World The Call to Adventure Act II: Something bad happens:The Reluctant Hero The Wise Old Man Act III: Commitment:Into the Special Fantasy World Act IV: Go for the Wrong Goal:Tests, Allies, & Enemies The Inmost Cave - Second Threshold The Supreme Ordeal Act V: Reversal ( 逆轉 ) :Seizing the Sword – Reward Act VI: Go for the new Goal:The Road Back Act VII: Resolution:Resurrection Act VIII: Return - Ending A Nine-act Story

9  Follow the nine-act story structure  Hero’s journey  Game level layout  Fit into the nine-act story structure  Fit level into the structure Game Design

10 Game Level Design TimeEventExample Total Time of Game play25 hours Length of Non-Interactive elements in the game (cut scenes) 1 hour Number of Levels25 Length of Level (times # levels)1 hour Amount of time spent fighting in level20 minutes Amoung of time spent exploring in level10 minutes Amount of time spent problem solving in level10 minutes Amount of time spent traveling in level10 miuntes Amount of time waiting for something to happen (hopefully this is zero). Amount of time spend "doing other stuff" in level10 minutes Additional Things to Calculate Number of Main Characters5 Number of Secondary Characters75 Number of enemies in typical level75

11  View from the player’s point of view  Let the player engage in the game  Surprise, interesting, entertaining  Heroic  Great graphics? Summary

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