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An Introduction to Engineering and Structural Design by Jeff Rhoads and Terry Ballinger MSU 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Engineering and Structural Design by Jeff Rhoads and Terry Ballinger MSU 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Engineering and Structural Design by Jeff Rhoads and Terry Ballinger MST @ MSU 2006

2 Outline An Introduction to Engineering Design The Design Process A Case Study in Design An Introduction to Structural Design Brief Description of Class Project

3 What is Engineering Design? The application of scientific knowledge to the development of a product or process.

4 Engineering Design is… AnalyticalComplexCreativeInteractiveInterdisciplinaryIterative

5 The Design Process Identify a need Define the problem Brainstorm a preliminary solution Analyze, refine, and evaluate Develop a detailed design

6 A Case Study in Design Space Ship One and the X-Prize

7 Identify a Need NASA Efficiency Efficiency Cost Overruns Cost Overruns Trailblazing TrailblazingX-Prize

8 Define the Problem Efficient Space Travel Cheap Cheap Safe Safe Repeatable Repeatable Readily Available Readily Available

9 Preliminary Solutions

10 The Final Design Scaled Composites

11 Space Ship One

12 Structural Design

13 StrengthStabilityAestheticsServiceability

14 Strength

15 Stability

16 Aesthetics

17 Serviceability

18 The Immediate Future…

19 Today’s Activity Using the materials provided, build a straw structure. The structure must be able to support a bottle of water. The group with the tallest structure, which supports the bottle for at least 5 seconds, wins. The competition height will be measured from the base of the structure (base plate) to the highest point of the bottle of water. The structure must be fastened to the base plate and be mobile. The water bottle is to be used in the test (competition) phase only. Measurements will be taken from the base to the highest point on the bottle.

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