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Getting started on your extended assignment or dissertation Library Services 2010 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.

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1 Getting started on your extended assignment or dissertation Library Services 2010 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License

2 Outline of session  Reference material  Using electronic resources to search for material  Using the Library Catalogue and the eLibrary to access material  Further sources of guidance, particularly resource evaluation and study skills  Managing your references  Information about IT skills courses  RefWorks demo

3 Using reference material to get you started…  Both printed and online reference resources are available in all subject areas, e.g. dictionaries and encyclopaedias.  Online Reference material can be found on the eLibrary  This may help you to: –define your subject area –suggest further reading –introduces you to keywords for your searching

4 …Using reference material to get you started  Pick up or download a copy of a suitable subject guide from: html The Main Library Audio Tour will also help you to locate and use reference materials in your subject area: _audiotours.shtml _audiotours.shtml  As well as being valuable guides to the whole ‘literature search’ process, these should also introduce you to some key reference resources in your area.

5 Accessing Material –Check the Library Catalogue –Check the Find eJournal section of the eLibrary –Search by TITLE of the PERIODICAL an article appears in  If we don’t have the full-text, you might want to investigate applying for an inter-library loan: braryloans.shtml

6 Accessing Material  Using other libraries: –SCONUL Access scheme –SCONUL Vacation scheme –British Library

7 Accessing online material  Library Catalogue doesn’t allow you to search for contents of periodical articles  Start with the eLibrary –Login with your University username and password. –Select Subject Search then your area from the drop down category list. – Select a resource. –For advice on resources in your area refer to the subject guides: tml

8 Accessing online material  See the ‘Effective searching of electronic resources’ guide to help you improve your search techniques: searching.doc  Keep records of your searches: where/ how did you search?  Most databases now include an online help section. We also have user guides for some resources: es.shtml

9 Evaluating Web resources…  The eLibrary contains tools that are evaluated and suitable for academic use.  When searching the Web more widely you need to carefully evaluate what you find.  A short guide for evaluating resources in your subject area can be found at: –Be critical- consider the author, publisher, intended audience, sources, currency and accuracy. –If possible, specify the type of info you require- images, websites, news. –Maybe try a subject gateway first: see

10 Study Skills  Books on study skills, how to write a thesis, and managing a research project can be found in the library.  The ‘Guide to Effective Learning’ helps you to develop your study skills:

11 Other IT Skills Training  Self Paced IT Skills training is available via WebCT, you just need to enrol:

12 Managing your references…  Keep a record of your references from the start of and throughout your research - this will save you time when you are writing up.  Some basic rules: –Always write down the details of the article (volume, issue, pages, year) –When using the Web keep bookmarks –Email references from online resources to yourself  You can manage your references in a number of ways, including: –Card files –Reference Management software

13 How to reference When referencing print or electronic resources you will need to follow certain guidelines: Use the i-cite guide to citing references at: Pick up or download a copy of the ‘Preparing & quoting references’ guide from: s/sk04harvard.pdf

14 Presenting your assignment/ dissertation  If you want to consult a University of Birmingham PhD thesis, search the Library Catalogue selecting ‘Theses catalogue’ from the collection list.  You also find some research theses at:  To see an example of an undergraduate dissertation you will need to speak to the staff in your department to see if they have copies available.

15 Presenting your assignment/ dissertation  Guide to presenting your dissertation online at hesis.pdf hesis.pdf  EThOS website allows you to view past theses at  Guide to tracing theses also helps you to see past theses at racingtheses.pdf racingtheses.pdf

16 Further help  For further help with finding information in your subject area, please contact your Academic Support Team: ectsupport/

17 Summary- top tips  Use reference material to get you started.  Managing and cite your references correctly.  Use suitable electronic resources ( to search for periodical  Check the Library Catalogue ( to see if books or periodicals are available - search by periodical TITLE.  Use the Virtual Training Suite ( to enhance your Web searching skills, but don’t just rely on websites for your  Brush up on your study skills - use the GEL website  Contact your Subject Advisor for help

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