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Newark Division of GSBS Degrees Offered: Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D. / Ph.D. M.D. / Ph.D. D.M.D / Ph.D. D.M.D / Ph.D. M.S. M.S. M.S./MBA M.S./MBA.

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Presentation on theme: "Newark Division of GSBS Degrees Offered: Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D. / Ph.D. M.D. / Ph.D. D.M.D / Ph.D. D.M.D / Ph.D. M.S. M.S. M.S./MBA M.S./MBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newark Division of GSBS Degrees Offered: Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D. / Ph.D. M.D. / Ph.D. D.M.D / Ph.D. D.M.D / Ph.D. M.S. M.S. M.S./MBA M.S./MBA

2 Undergraduate Summer Research Newark Division of GSBS June 6 through August 5 June 6 through August 5 Stipend $3,500.00 + housing Stipend $3,500.00 + housing Lab Research, presentations and weekly meetings (Applications currently being accepted) Lab Research, presentations and weekly meetings (Applications currently being accepted)

3 Where do I belong? Ph.D. Program: Students with strong science backgrounds, good GPAs (>3.0) and a strong interest in research should apply to our PhD program.

4 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biomedical Engineering (with NJIT) Biomedical Engineering (with NJIT) Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences (Interdisciplinary) * (Interdisciplinary) * Cell Biology & Molecular Medicine Cell Biology & Molecular Medicine Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Molecular Pathology & Immunology Molecular Pathology & Immunology Neuroscience (with Rutgers) Neuroscience (with Rutgers) Pharmacology & Physiology Pharmacology & Physiology *Note* The interdisciplinary program allows a student to choose a faculty mentor from any of the PhD Programs. Students Apply to any Two of the Following Ph.D. Programs

5 Ph.D. Program – all matriculated, full time students receive: Stipend of $24,000/yr Stipend of $24,000/yr Tuition Remission Tuition Remission Free Health Insurance Free Health Insurance Paid Travel to Scientific MeetingPaid Travel to Scientific Meeting

6 M.D. / Ph.D. and D.M.D / Ph.D. programs: are designed for students who want to merge clinical and research careers. (see NJ Medical and NJ Dental school websites for further information)

7 Masters Programs Those students who see themselves working in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries and don’t want to go as far as a Ph.D. Those students interested in Science Education. Those students who want to improve their academic records so that they may apply to professional schools (medical, osteopathic, dental, veterinary and others).

8 Masters Programs (continued) Cost - ~ $14,000 for 30 credits (in-state students). Thesis or non-thesis (courses all graduate or mix of medical/dental courses + grad courses).

9 M.S./MBA (with Rutgers) For those wishing to combine a career in science with business and marketing 2-21/2 years, full time (part-time course work also available)

10 Some of our Elective Courses –Bioterrorism and Biodefense –Stem Cells & Molecular Medicine –Bioinformatics –Current Molecular Techniques –Laboratory Animal Science –Principles of Pharmacology –Molecular Oncology –Topics in Neuroscience –Molecular Oncology –Immunology

11 The Basic Science Research Building

12 The Basic Science Research Building

13 The GSBS Newark Campus is 20 minutes from New York City The red brick building (foreground) is the new home of the International Center for Public Health

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