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Overview of the Nervous System

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1 Overview of the Nervous System
Lecture 10 Overview of the Nervous System

2 Outline Organization of Nervous System
Constituent Cells of Nervous System Electrical Signals in Neurons Source of Resting Membrane Potential Gated Ion Channels Qualitative Description of Action Potential Graded Potential Action Potential Refractory Period

3 Outline Organization of Nervous System
Constituent Cells of Nervous System Electrical Signals in Neurons Source of Resting Membrane Potential Gated Ion Channels Qualitative Description of Action Potential Graded Potential Action Potential Refractory Period

4 Organization of the Nervous System
Central nervous system Brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system Afferent neurons Sensory neurons Efferent neurons Send response to effector cells Somatic motor division Control skeletal muscle Autonomic division Controls smooth and cardiac muscle and exocrine/endocrine Two components: Sympathetic Parasympathetic Commonly exert antagonistic control over a single target

5 Fig 8.1 – Organization of the nervous system Silverthorn 2nd Ed

6 Outline Organization of Nervous System
Constituent Cells of Nervous System Electrical Signals in Neurons Source of Resting Membrane Potential Gated Ion Channels Qualitative Description of Action Potential Graded Potential Action Potential Refractory Period

7 Cells of the Nervous System
Neurons Basic signaling units of nervous system Consist of: Cell body Axons – carry outgoing information Dendrites – receive incoming signals Glial Cells Support cells Outnumber neurons by 10-50X Provide physical support for neural tissues Direct growth of neural tissue during repair and development Insulate axons creating myelin

8 Fig 8.2 – Model neurons Silverthorn 2nd Ed

9 Fig 8.6 – Formation of myelin Silverthorn 2nd Ed

10 Outline Organization of Nervous System
Constituent Cells of Nervous System Electrical Signals in Neurons Source of Resting Membrane Potential Gated Ion Channels Qualitative Description of Action Potential Graded Potential Action Potential Refractory Period

11 Resting Membrane Potential
Nernst Equation GHK Equation

12 Electrical Signals in Neurons
If membrane permeability to ion changes: Membrane potential changes To substantially change Vm: Only small # of ions need to cross membrane Changes in Vm do not alter ion concentrations inside and outside cell

13 Depolarization At rest: Depolarization:
Membrane potential mostly due to K+ Membrane almost impermeable to Na+ Depolarization: Cell becomes permeable to Na+ Na+ rushes in, membrane potential drops Moves towards +60mV of Na+

14 Gated Ion Channels How do cells change their membrane potential?
Open or close existing channels in membrane Four major types of selective ion channels: Na+, K+, Ca+, Cl- Ions channel can be: Normally open Normally closed Mechanically gated – sense pressure Chemically gated – respond to neurotransmitters Voltage gated – important in initiation and conduction of electrical signals

15 Outline Organization of Nervous System
Constituent Cells of Nervous System Electrical Signals in Neurons Source of Resting Membrane Potential Gated Ion Channels Qualitative Description of Action Potential Graded Potential Action Potential Refractory Period

16 Action Potentials When ion channels open:
Ions move in or out depending on electro-chemical gradient Resulting influx changes membrane potential Two types of electrical signals: Graded potentials: Variable strength signals that travel short distances Action potentials: Large uniform depolarizations that travel rapidly over long distances without losing strength

17 Fig 8.7 – Graded potentials decrease in strength as they spread out from the point of origin Silverthorn 2nd Ed

18 Graded Potentials Amplitude directly proportional to strength of triggering event Begins on membrane at point where ions enter from ECF e.g. where neurotransmitter combines with receptors on dendrite to open Na+ channels Strength depends on how much charge enter cell Travels until: It dies out OR Reaches trigger zone IF - graded potential reaching trigger zone exceeds threshold, then AP IF NOT – dies out

19 Fig 8.8 – Subthreshold and suprathreshold graded potentials in a neuron Silverthorn 2nd Ed

20 Action Potentials All action potentials are identical in strength
Do not diminish in strength as they travel

21 How Are APs Generated? Start at resting membrane potential
Graded potential exceeding threshold reaches trigger zone Voltage gated Na+ channels open suddenly Sharp depolarization of cell  Cell reaches peak positive voltage Voltage gated K+ channels open slowly, Na+ channels close

22 How Are APs Generated? K+ moves out of cell  Reduces membrane potential K+ continues to leave, hyperpolarizes cell Voltage gated K+ channels close, some K+ enters through leak channels Cell returns to resting membrane potential

23 Fig 8.9 – the action potential Silverthorn 2nd Ed

24 Na+ Channel Dynamics Use a two-step process for opening and closing:
Activation gate: Closed at resting membrane potential Opens when cell depolarizes, allowing Na+ to enter Inactivation gate: Open at resting membrane potential Closes when cell depolarizes, but has 0.5 ms delay Both reset when cell repolarizes

25 Fig 8.10 a – Model of the voltage-gated Na+ channel Silverthorn 2nd Ed

26 Fig 8.10 b – Model of the voltage-gated Na+ channel Silverthorn 2nd Ed

27 Fig 8.10 c – Model of the voltage-gated Na+ channel Silverthorn 2nd Ed

28 Fig 8.10 d – Model of the voltage-gated Na+ channel Silverthorn 2nd Ed

29 Fig 8.10 e – Model of the voltage-gated Na+ channel Silverthorn 2nd Ed

30 Fig 8. 11 – Ion movements during the action potential
Fig 8.11 – Ion movements during the action potential Silverthorn 2nd Ed

31 Refractory Period Double gating of Na+ channel leads to refractory period Absolute refractory period Once an AP has begun, for about 1 ms, a 2nd AP can’t be generated Relative refractory period After Na+ channel gates have been reset, but before Vm has returned to normal, a STRONG graded potential can start a 2nd AP Graded potential opens Na+ channels, but Na+ entry is offset by continuing K+ loss through K+ channels that are still open

32 Fig 8.12 Refractory periods Silverthorn 2nd Ed

33 Features of APs Stimulus intensity is coded by AP frequency
Conduction of APs: Travel from trigger zone to axon terminal Refractory period  APs travel in only one direction Speed of conduction: Depends on neuron diameter  diameter   speed Resistance of membrane to current leak Myelination increases speed of conduction

34 Fig 8.14 – Action potentials along an axon Silverthorn 2nd Ed

35 Fig 8.15 – Conduction of action potentials Silverthorn 2nd Ed

36 Myelination Nodes of Ranvier AP Propagation Saltatory Conduction
Membrane resistance lowest at these points AP Propagation Starts at trigger zone AP flows to 1st Node of Ranvier Node has high density of voltage gated Na+ channels Na+ re-entry boosts strength of AP Saltatory Conduction “Leapfrogging” of APs

37 Fig 8.17 – Saltatory conduction Silverthorn 2nd Ed

38 Summary Organization of Nervous System
Constituent Cells of Nervous System Electrical Signals in Neurons Source of Resting Membrane Potential Gated Ion Channels Qualitative Description of Action Potential Graded Potential Action Potential Refractory Period

39 Poem of the Day I Chop Some Parsley While Listening to Art Blakey’s Version of “Three Blind Mice” Billy Collins

40 Due Dates Tuesday, October 5th HW5

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