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Presentation on theme: "Sherwood HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015. PARCC-PARTNERSHIP FOR ASSESSMENT OF READINESS FOR COLLEGE & CAREER  PARCC assessment is a two-part test: PBA & EOY "— Presentation transcript:

1 Sherwood HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015

2 PARCC-PARTNERSHIP FOR ASSESSMENT OF READINESS FOR COLLEGE & CAREER  PARCC assessment is a two-part test: PBA & EOY  In March, students will take the Performance-based Assessments (PBA); in April, students will take the End-of-Year Assessment (EOY)

3  PARCC assessments are being offered this year in 3 courses: Algebra 1, Algebra2 & English 10  These tests are aligned with the Common Core State Standards and provide a better measure of whether students are meeting grade-level expectations and are ultimately college or career ready

4 Test – UnitTime Algebra1/2 – Unit 190 Minutes Algebra1/2 – Unit 275 Minutes ELA10 – Unit 175 Minutes ELA10 – Unit 290 Minutes ELA10 – Unit 360 Minutes

5 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 2. No testing No Testing 4. ALGEBRA 1 (Period 2 – 3) No Testing 6. ALGEBRA 2 Gr A (Period 2 – 4) No testing ALGEBRA 2 Gr B (Period 6 – 8) ALGEBRA 1 (Period 6 – 8) 9 ALGEBRA 2 Gr B (Period 2 – 3) No Testing 11.ELA10 Gr A (Period 2 – 3) No Testing 13. ELA10 Gr B (Period 2 – 4) ELA10 Gr B (Period 6 – 7) ALGEBRA 2 Gr A (Period 6 – 7) ELA10 Gr A (Period 6 – 8) 16. ELA10 Gr A (Period 2 – 3) March 17 th – March 26 th MAKE-UPS ELA10 Gr B (Period 6 – 7)

6 Algebra 2 Group A: Students in On-level/Honors Algebra 2B classes with Fuss, Goodman, Randolph and Siarkas Algebra 2 Group B: Students in On-level/Honors Algebra 2B classes with Prenatt and Winiarz ELA 10 Group A: Students in On-level/Honors English 10B classes with Goodrich and Jasnow ELA 10 Group B: Students in On-level/Honors English 10B classes with Leonard, Lock, Schad and Thomas Mary

7  Seniors and underclassmen graduating in 2014-15 will not take PARCC tests in Algebra1 and ELA 10  PARCC tests will replace the state HSAs in English 10 and Algebra 1  Students in Algebra 2 will also take PARCC assessment.

8  Passing the PARCC tests in English 10 and Algebra 1 will NOT serve as a graduation requirement this school year or next school year

9  During PARCC testing in March,the regular bell schedule will be followed  ALL students MUST report to Period 1 as usual during testing window  Students will be pulled for PARCC tests; instruction will continue un-interrupted for non-testers

10  Make-up opportunity will be provided to students who miss instruction due to testing  PARCC tests will be computer based; students will use chrome-books  Students are encouraged to bring their own headphones

11  Font magnification  Highlighting tool  Eliminating answer choices  Flagging questions for later review  Audio Amplification  Headphones or Noise Buffers  Line reader tool  Note-pad  Pop-up glossary  External spell-checker device  Writing tools

12  Students with a documented IEP or 504 plan or EL plan are eligible to receive accommodations for PARCC  Background/font color  Text-to-speech (for the math tests)  Answer masking  Human reader or Human Signer (for students with vision or hearing impairments)  Small group testing  Frequent breaks  Separate or alternate location  A braille form  Extended time  Word-to-word native language dictionary

13  Using a cell phone or other prohibited hand-held electronic device while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing  Using a computer, laptop, or tablet (other than the one being used to administer a computer-based test) while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are te sting


15 THANK YOU! Your Testing Coordinator Sapna Chaudhry

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