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SUPI Network Learning Project Toby Greany (Institute of Education) Qing Gu (University of Nottingham) Graham Handscomb (Consultant) Matt Varley (Nottingham.

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Presentation on theme: "SUPI Network Learning Project Toby Greany (Institute of Education) Qing Gu (University of Nottingham) Graham Handscomb (Consultant) Matt Varley (Nottingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUPI Network Learning Project Toby Greany (Institute of Education) Qing Gu (University of Nottingham) Graham Handscomb (Consultant) Matt Varley (Nottingham Trent University)

2 The Policy Context Schools and universities are changing rapidly. So too are the nature and dynamics of their partnership efforts. It is vital that we feed intelligence about these developments into the ongoing activity of the SUPI projects to ensure the project is as intelligently sensitised to this shifting policy context as possible.

3 The Policy Context The timing is excellent, with great political interest in improving practice and in delivering more robust evidence and evaluation about what works and why. This project would allow us to leverage this potential, and to contribute to the widely understood need to see a ‘step change’ in this critical area: school- university partnerships.

4 Overview The SUPI project needs to draw on rich research and learning to deliver on its potential. With this in mind we have scoped a two part learning process to run in parallel with the core project funded by RCUK (learning and research with the project). We have secured funding for the first phase, and are currently seeking funding for phase 2.

5 Phase 1 The aim of this research is to draw together existing knowledge on effective school-university partnerships along with insights from leading thinkers and practitioners working in this field. This will inform the design for a new UK- wide learning network, which we plan to launch later in 2014.

6 Key Components (1) A review and synthesis of key literature in relation to school university partnerships Telephone interviews with 8-12 key stakeholders working in this field An online survey of practitioners working on school university partnerships in schools and HEIs Further data drawn from discussions and focus groups at pre-existing forums e.g. UCET Management Committee

7 Key Components (2) Working with the NCCPE to develop, co- facilitate and report from a stakeholder event involving key people across the sector Contribution to the conceptual framework and design for the network, which will underpin Phase 2.

8 Phase 2 The network will form phase 2 of this project, and will support peer collaboration and learning on how to make school-university partnerships successful, drawing together practitioners working in HEIs and schools across a range of different initiatives, including SUPI.

9 Key Components We anticipate – convening multiple learning groups to explore different lines of inquiry – bringing together these groups on two occasions with a wider group of stakeholders committed to developing policy and practice However this would be decided in the scoping activity and therefore may change.

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