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Enterprise-gradeHybrid Hyper-Scale Microsoft Cloud OS Open.

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4 Enterprise-gradeHybrid Hyper-Scale Microsoft Cloud OS Open

5 Ultimate Control Rapid Development VMs / VM Scale Sets VM Extensions Service Fabric / Batch Websites / App Platform IaaSPaaS

6 VMs and VM Scale Sets Azure Public Cloud Azure Pack Private Cloud VM Extensions SCALR, RightScale, Mesos, Swarm Service Fabric (VMs and Containers) Batch App Service Media Web Apps Mobile Apps Apprenda, CloudFoundry OpenShift, Jelastic, Marathon Infrastructure IaaS and IaaS+ General Compute PaaS Vertical Compute PaaS VMs and VM Scale Sets Azure Public Cloud Azure Stack Private Cloud VM Extensions SCALR, RightScale, Mesos, Swarm Service Fabric (VMs and Containers) Batch App Service Media Web Apps Mobile Apps Apprenda, CloudFoundry OpenShift, Jelastic, Marathon Infrastructure IaaS and IaaS+ General Compute PaaS Vertical Compute PaaS Cluster Orchestration HDInsight VMs and VM Scale Sets Azure Public Cloud VM Extensions SCALR, RightScale, Mesos, Swarm Batch Media HDInsight







13 Resource Groups  Collection of resources with a similar lifetime  Every resource belongs to a resource group  Resources have types, defined by resource providers  RBAC integration  Declarative model driven deployment  Consistent

14 Re-usable components Simple Orchestration Simple Roll-back Source file, checked-in Specify resources, dependencies and connections Parameterized Instantiation of repeatable config. Configuration  Resource Group Azure Templates - Repeatability SQL - AWebsite Virtual Machines SQL-A Website [SQL CONFIG] VM (2x) DEPENDS ON SQL SQLCONFIG

15 Resource Group Subnet Storage VM VNET Public IP Azure Resource Manager: Building a Virtual Machine NIC storageAccount -accountType publicIPAddress -allocationMethod -domainNameLabel virtualNetwork -addressSpace -Subnet -addressPrefix networkInterface -privateIPAllocati onMethod virtualMachine -hardwareProfile -osProfile -storageProfile -networkProfile


17 Resource Group Subnet Storage VM VNET Public IP Resource Loops: Declare multiple resources NIC VM Public IP NIC VM Public IP NIC … Subnet Storage

18 For each resource, use copy to set the number Use copyIndex to create the names. 1 2




22 Containerization Container Host - 1 Container A Container A Container B Container Host - 2 Container A Container A Container B Orchestration Engine ARM Template 2 Hosts 4 Instances of Container A 2 Instances of Container B

23 Resource Group Subnet Scalable Storage VMVM VNET Scalable NIC … VMVM VMVM VMVM Scale Set Extensions

24 Specify a target instance count Specify a prefix for repeating resources. 1 2




28 VMs and VM Scale Sets Azure Public Cloud Azure Stack Private Cloud VM Extensions SCALR, RightScale, Mesos, Swarm Service Fabric (VMs and Containers) Batch App Service Media Web Apps Mobile Apps Apprenda, CloudFoundry OpenShift, Jelastic, Marathon Infrastructure IaaS and IaaS+ General Compute PaaS Vertical Compute PaaS Cluster Orchestration HDInsight

29 Get and manage VM’s Start the tasks Move task input and outputQueue tasks Install task applications Scale up and downTask failure? Task frozen? Manage and authenticate users




33 Azure Batch Azure Media Services




37 SessionTitleSpeaker(s)When BRK3505 Taking a Deep Dive into Microsoft Azure IaaS Capabilities Drew McDaniel Mahesh Thiagarajan Tues, May 5 9:00AM - 10:15 BRK3705Running Large-Scale Batch and High Performance Computing Applications with Azure Batch Karan BattaWed, May 6 1:30PM - 2:45 BRK3478Deploying and Managing Services with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Chacko DanielWed May 6 5PM-6:15 BRK3722 Managing Linux and Windows on Microsoft Azure with Chef Kundana Palagiri Thu, May 7 9-10:15 AM BRK3702 Running Docker Containers on Microsoft Azure Speakers: Khalid Mouss, Tom Hauburger Thu, May 7 10:45 AM - 12:00 BRK2557Harnessing the Power of Hadoop: Cloud Scale with Microsoft Azure HDInsight Lance OlsonTues, May 5 10:45 AM – 12:00




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