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6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles1 Industrial Application of Basic Mathematical Principles TAMA 110 CourseIntroduction.

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1 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles1 Industrial Application of Basic Mathematical Principles TAMA 110 CourseIntroduction

2 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles2 TAMA 110 INSTRUCTOR:Michael Bush OFFICE LOCATION:T-164G OFFICE PHONE:313-845-6412 845-6415 Trades Office E-MAIL

3 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles3 TAMA 110 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course utilizes shop problems to help students relate math to job situations. Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole and mixed numbers and common and decimal fractions; percents, averages, and estimates; graphs, tables, and statistical measure; powers and roots; linear, angular, and circular measure; surface area, volume, and cubic measure; ratios and proportion; and metrics and metric conversion.

4 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles4 TAMA 110 COURSE GOALS: 1. To provide the knowledge and skills to calculate basic mathematical shop problems. 2. To provide a foundation of skills and understandings of fundamentals, procedures, and calculations relative to basic mathematical shop problems. 3. Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills in solving basic mathematical problems encountered on the job floor.

5 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles5 TAMA 110 MEASURABLE COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole and mixed numbers in shop applications. 2. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide common and decimal fractions in shop applications 3. Convert percents to decimals and decimals to percents in shop applications.

6 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles6 TAMA 110 4. Solve shop problems using averaging and estimating. 5. 5. Analyze graphs and tables used in technical written materials and reports. 6. Solve practical shop application problems requiring the use of statistical measure. MEASURABLE COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

7 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles7 TAMA 110 7. 7. Use a hand-held calculator in the manipulation of shop problems. 8. 8. Solve shop problems requiring the use of powers and roots. 9. 9. Identify standard English units of linear measure. MEASURABLE COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

8 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles8 TAMA 110 10. 10. Solve practical shop applications requiring surface area measurement. 11. 11. Solve practical shop applications involving volume and cubic measure. 12. 12. Solve practical shop applications of metric and metric conversions. MEASURABLE COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

9 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles9 TAMA 110 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Introductory Technical Mathematics, Sixth Edition, Peterson and Smith; 2013, Delmar Cengage Learning, ISBN 13-978- 1-111-54200-9

10 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles10 TAMA 110 REQUIRED SUPPLIES: Hand-held Calculator, Pencils, Paper

11 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles11 TAMA 110 SESSION OUTLINE: SESSION TOPICTEXTPAGES 1Whole Numbers ITM2 – 40 2Addition and Subtraction of Common FractionsITM41 – 60 ITM77 – 79 3Multiplication and Division of Common Fractions ITM60 – 81 Quiz #1 - Session 1 & 2 Quiz #1 - Session 1 & 2 Calculators Permitted on Quiz #1

12 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles12 TAMA 110 SESSION TOPICTEXTPAGES 4Decimal Fractions ITM95 – 116 ITM123 - 138 5Percents and Averages ITM166 - 182 Quiz #2 - Session 3 & 4Handout Quiz #2 - Session 3 & 4Handout Calculators Recommended on Quiz #2 6 Graphs: Bar, Circle, and Line ITM644 – 682 7 Powers, Roots, and Scientific Notation ITM117 – 123 Quiz #3 - Session 5 & 6 ITM 133 - 134 Quiz #3 - Session 5 & 6 ITM 133 - 134 Calculators Recommended on Quiz #3 ITM204 – 205 Calculators Recommended on Quiz #3 ITM204 – 205 ITM217

13 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles13 TAMA 110 SESSION TOPICTEXTPAGES 8Precision, Accuracy, and ToleranceITM117 9Linear and Circular Measure ITM222 - 237 Quiz #4 - Session 7 & 8 Quiz #4 - Session 7 & 8 Calculators Recommended on Quiz #4 10Angular Measure and Simple Ratios ITM132 - 136 ITM 409 – 412 ITM 409 – 412 11Surface Area MeasurementITM136 - 151 Quiz #5 - 9 & 10 Quiz #5 - 9 & 10 Calculators Recommended on Quiz #4

14 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles14 TAMA 110 SESSION TOPICTEXTPAGES 12Volume and Cubic MeasurementITM151 – 165 13MetricationITM221 - 237 Quiz #6 - Session 11 & 12 Quiz #6 - Session 11 & 12 Calculators Recommended on Quiz #6 14Metric ConversionsITM254 – 273 15Final Examination Calculators Recommended on Final Examination

15 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles15 TAMA 110 GENERAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Calculator Use: Students are encouraged to bring a calculator to all class sessions. A scientific calculator with a fraction button, degrees-minute-second button, power button, and root button will be sufficient for this course.

16 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles16 TAMA 110

17 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles17 TAMA 110 COURSE ASSESSMENT: QUIZZES -The best 5 of 6 accounts for 75% of the semester grade. All quizzes will be administered with closed books and no notes allowed and only during regularly scheduled class periods. Missed quizzes can be made up at the discretion of the Instructor. ALL QUIZZES WILL COVER THE TWO PREVIOUS SESSIONS

18 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles18 TAMA 110 FINAL -The final examination will account for 25% of the semester grade. The final must be taken to pass the course. The Final will be administered with closed books and no notes allowed and only during regularly scheduled class periods. All students will be required to complete a comprehensive final examination that assesses the learning of all course objectives. This exam is to be a common exam administered to all sections of TAMA-110

19 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles19 TAMA 110 GRADING SCALE: 100 - 95%=A 94 - 85%=B 84 - 75%=C 74 - 70%=D 69% - below=E

20 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles20 TAMA 110 ATTENDANCE POLICY: No excused absences. Maximum allowable number is three (3). The fourth (4th) absence means automatic failure but the class can still be attended. TARDINESS/LEAVING EARLY: Tardiness and/or leaving early added up to 60 minutes will be counted as an absence.

21 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles21 TAMA 110 CLASSROOM RULES OF CONDUCT & POLICY: Attire: Clothing appropriate for the classroom is requested. Cheating and Plagiarism: Refer to the current HFCC Catalog

22 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles22 TAMA 110 Cell Phone Usage: The use of cell phones or any electronic devices with video or photographic capture and/or transfer capabilities is not permitted in the classroom during scheduled class times.

23 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles23

24 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles24 TAMA 110 ASSISTANCE WITH COURSE MATERIALS: Web Site Available Session Objectives are shown In-Class Assignments are shown In-Class Lecture Power Point Presentations are available Related Math and Skilled Trades Links

25 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles25 TAMA 110

26 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles26 TAMA 110

27 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles27 TAMA 110

28 6/9/2015Basic Mathematic Principles28 TAMA 110 AnyQuestions???

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